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  On 1/11/2018 at 9:15 AM, Grigory123 said:

Hi Cheater, i have 7 feature script.

Download from playstore:


-Less recoil(Deleted)-Directly Ban

-Body Giant(Deleted)-Useless



What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Hi i made new script and have 7 feauture:

1.Fast Reload(Only Rifle and Smg) (New).

2.Visual Wall hack(only work near wall).

3.Delay 0-Sec using Bandage and Energy Drink.(New)

4.Fast Parachute(use before in plane,and Freeze(normal) the result).

5.Less Gravity(freeze(normal) the result).

6. Delay 0-sec using Med-Kit.

7.Delay 0-sec using First-Aid (New).

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Shame like old version? Got a banned for 3 daya???




I have banned 3 days. How to use this for safe?



can you atleast create a no grass script? thanks a lot looking forward more of your work. 



can u add no grass ? thank for share



  On 1/12/2018 at 12:02 AM, wasak said:

can you atleast create a no grass script? thanks a lot looking forward more of your work. 



  On 1/13/2018 at 2:15 PM, dangkhoa01st said:

can u add no grass ? thank for share


No grass doesn't result in a ban, but for now it seems to only cause the grass to disappear for a split second and then it's back again. 


1) Giant body is amusing, but useless since you can't get into any building with it enabled.

2) Instant med kit works (on the avilable kits) so it's useful.

3) Fast parachute is great, especially if you jump as soon as it lets you and then parachute as soon as it lets you since you can get to the ground and get the best gear before others can try.

4) Visual wall hack doesn't seem to have any effect (for me)

5) Not bothered trying recoil or gravity, so can't comment on those 2.



Bro, the fast reload seems like didn't work.


Anw, keep up the good works bro. Thank you



Fast reload get banned 3 days

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