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About This File

Unlock almost all guns in pixel gun 3d!


Notice: This script is abandoned. I will not be updating, maintaining, or helping with it. Please do not ask me for help finding ids, report bugs with the script, or ask for help using it.

Update: @red091753has adopted this script and is actively maintaining and updating it: PG3D all weapon unlocker - LUA scripts - GameGuardian. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions, ask there, not here.


Armor unlock script is done and will be coming soon!

Weapon spoofer script is done and will be coming soon!

Unlock at your level instead of level 1 script is done and will be coming soon!

Use illegal weapons like bone knife script is done and will be coming soon!

Unlock UNCOMMON GUNS script is done and will be coming soon!

Do you want necklace of the ice king, spirit staff, and ultimatum? How about heart of volcano, desert fighter, and iron sword? No? Maybe ice paws, activity neutralizer, and cyclops sling?

Unlock all your dream guns with pixel gun 3d weapon unlocker, with only the click of a button!

This hack comes with 500 of the most wanted weapons!

4.3 is now out! And it has 5 times as many buyable weapons!


-Some weapons do not have buy buttons. If a weapon does not have a buy button, you cannot buy it (Update: In 22.4.0, the devs unpatched it and now they all do!)

-This mod does not get you the guns for free. You still need currency. However, I am working on a currency hack at the moment! I will post it once it is done.

-This script takes about 10-50 minutes because it has to search and edit about 2000 values.

-You can manually add your own ids if you have extra ids, or if you just don't want to wait for all the ids.

Contact me:

User123456789#6424 on discord.


Script 100% by me (HorridModz)

Some weapon IDs by me, but about 80% are by my friends. G_M#5963 is the only one who wants credit.

Edited by HorridModz

What's New in Version 5.0 beautified   See changelog


Replaced script with deobfuscated and beautified version so the code can be better seen 


And changed version number from 5.3 to 5.0 to clear up confusion due to conflict with file name - it should have been 5.0 from the beginning, anyway

User Feedback

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Hello. Do you get banned for such scripts? Because I looked in the rules of the game, it said that scripts are prohibited. I just don't understand much about it, sorry)



  On 8/28/2022 at 3:33 AM, privarok said:

Hello. Do you get banned for such scripts? Because I looked in the rules of the game, it said that scripts are prohibited. I just don't understand much about it, sorry)


Depends on what weapons you buy.

Veteran Weapons are bannable







  On 8/29/2022 at 9:56 AM, jest555000 said:

Depends on what weapons you buy.

Veteran Weapons are bannable


having vet weapons can get you banned if you're reported, unless you are one of the peeps that abused the gallery glitch



i really like all your scripts bro thanks!! a suggestion would be id finder it would be very helpful in getting more guns again thanks for the scripts man



So it seems that in some of the previous updates the anti-cheat was updated, and the scripts from the game guardian do not work. Do they really not work?




I was wondering if someone could help me, i was trying to unlock a weapon by searching his id and then editing the first results to 1 and the rest normal but it seems to not work or i'm not doing that right, can someone help me please?



Does any1 have champion solar power id?



  On 8/28/2022 at 3:33 AM, privarok said:

Hello. Do you get banned for such scripts? Because I looked in the rules of the game, it said that scripts are prohibited. I just don't understand much about it, sorry)


Technically, using scripts is against terms of service. All hacking you do is at your own risk.

  On 9/1/2022 at 7:31 AM, privarok said:

So it seems that in some of the previous updates the anti-cheat was updated, and the scripts from the game guardian do not work. Do they really not work?



This is a very broad question. Please elaborate and show me what scripts are not working.



is it banable? Months ago I got banned for doing this but I think I'm doing something wrong.



  On 9/9/2022 at 4:59 PM, Fulton_Boost said:

is it banable? Months ago I got banned for doing this but I think I'm doing something wrong.


i think its because you bought the desert fighter and the iron sword. buying those can get you banned as they are hacker traps



Hi HorridModz i heard you have a discord server can you give the link?



Will this script get updated?



Hello, im planning installing pg3 for nostalgia but im tired of grinding and using money stuff. Does this script still works? Or did i get patched?



  On 10/25/2022 at 12:52 AM, sophisticated said:

Hello, im planning installing pg3 for nostalgia but im tired of grinding and using money stuff. Does this script still works? Or did i get patched?


Yes, it works but to buy guns you need 450 gems for 1 mythical gun(you can find a currency script  on his profile

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