About This File
Game = MiniWorld:BlockArt
Game Version = 0.51.0
GG_Version = 101
Features :
Main Menu :
- Finding Key Address / Item Modification (If Key Address defined)
- Help
- Setting
Item Mod :
- Select Item from 1 to 8 ->
- Select Type -> Tools, Equip, Stack, or Transform
Stack (Requires XOR Key):
Change Stack Size. 1~64. Freeze feature not work yet.
Tools / Equips Mod:
- Grade Change
- Durability
Grade Change:
- You can change your item grade : e.g. From Wood Axe -> Stone Axe (+1) -> Iron Axe (+2) -> Golden Axe (+3) -> Diamond Axe (+4)
- You cannot change weapon type to diamond. something like diamond are in different pointer. so max grade is gold sword (+3)
- You can revert changes your grade in Transformation. Sometime some tools or equips not work, becoming lava. or unknown .
- To Revert : if your grade now is +4, then Select Your Item Number of Your Equip/Tool, Transformation, -4, See What happen to your item, Commit while done.
- Change your items durability. 1~10.000 you can change max durability in Setting
- You can Enchant your Tools, Armors, and Weapons. Select All List to mix them.
Like sprite changes. it modify DWORD values. but the pointer is really random every game start, so the value.
- Revert change : Back to original value, original form.