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Everything posted by QuarkYT

  1. Fra, Sorry the disturbance, I was interested to know if there is a command to wrap from one sentence to another, for example in C. or I'll add the n at the end of the sentence. Is it possible to do this on game guardian? local menu = gg.choice ({ ' QT Menu ', ' QT Second Menu ', ' exit ' },nil,'╔═════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ═════╗ ╚═════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ═════╝')
  2. Thank you so much. I like you. I want to learn .lualanguage but is not very easy. For example is not equal as C++ language.
  3. So? How did you do that? I didn't understand the 0.0X and 0.00XX
  4. Yes thank so much. All Game Guardian comunity thanks!
  5. Bro, Sorry to bother, but I still have one more problem. If you have time of course. So when in the script I create the second menu, with the function that you gave me, second_Menu, the script reads it. Then I go into the second menu, where there is another menu, and when I click the first option tells me script ended. function second_Menu() local names = gg.choice({ 'Change Slime into Ghost Boss [HARD] ', 'Duplicate Items', 'Damage/HP', 'Legendary Items from Trees [HARD]'},nil, "QT") end if names ==1 then gg.alert('Hi') end if names ==2 then gg.alert('hi') end if names ==3 then gg.alert('hi') end function main() local menu = gg.choice( { ' QT Menu ', ' QT Second Menu ', ' exit ' }, nil, " Quark ThoNos" ) if menu == 1 then first_Menu() elseif menu == 2 then second_Menu() elseif menu == 3 then os.exit() end end main()
  6. I think it works, but when I start and click the first menu, I click the options I want to activate tells me script ended : menu = gg.choice ({ ' QT Menu ', ' QT Second Menu ', ' exit '},nil,' Quark ThoNos') if menu == 1 then local t = gg.multiChoice({ ' Instant Boss ', ' Speed Hack ', ' Fast Hit ', ' Token Hack ', ' Wall Hack ', ' Zoom Hack ', ' RoboMask Hack ', ' Free Wooden Armor ', ' Range Hack', },nil,' to subscribers') end function hack1aa() gg.searchNumber('180Q;180Q',gg.TYPE_QWORD) gg.getResults('100') gg.editAll('0',gg.TYPE_QWORD) gg.clearResults() end function hack2aa() gg.setSpeed(2) end function hack3aa() gg.alert('Hi') end function hack4aa() gg.alert('Hi') end function hack5aa() gg.alert('Hi') end function hack6aa() gg.alert('Hi') end function hack7aa() gg.alert('Hi') end function hack8aa() gg.alert('Hi') end if t == nil then gg.sleep(1) else if t[1] then hack1aa() end if t[2] then hack2aa() end if t[3] then hack3aa() end if t[4] then hack4aa() end if t[5] then hack5aa() end if t[6] then hack6aa() end if t[7] then hack7aa() end if t[8] then hack8aa() end end
  7. I don't understand why it makes me wrong... menu = gg.choice ({ ' QT Menu ', ' QT Second Menu ', ' exit '},nil,' Quark ThoNos') if menu == 1 then local t = gg.multiChoice({ ' Instant Boss ', ' Speed Hack ', ' Fast Hit ', ' Token Hack ', ' Wall Hack ', ' Zoom Hack ', ' RoboMask Hack ', ' Free Wooden Armor ', ' Range Hack', },nil,' to subscribers') if t == nil then gg.sleep(1) else if t[1] then hack1aa() end if t[2] then hack2aa() end if t[3] then hack3aa() end if t[4] then hack4aa() end if t[5] then hack5aa() end if t[6] then hack6aa() end if t[7] then hack7aa() end if t[8] then hack8aa() end end end function hack1aa() gg.searchNumber('180Q;180Q',gg.TYPE_QWORD) gg.getResults('100') gg.editAll('0',gg.TYPE_QWORD) gg.clearResults() end function hack2aa() gg.setSpeed(2) end
  8. Thanks for the support, I have another mistake. I have named a menu with 3 options, I choose the first one and I open a menu with the function dd.multiChoice, I choose the items I want to activate and give me this error. Script ended: errore di script: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/qlua5/PSG2.2.lua:22 ` if t[2] then hack2aa() end ` attempt to call a nil value (global 'hack2aa') level = 1, const = 39, proto = 9, upval = 1, vars = 11, code = 97 CALL v1..v1 ; PC 46 CODE 0080405D OP 29 A 1 B 1 C 1 Bx 513 sBx -130558 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/qlua5/PSG2.2.lua:22 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.a(src:2835) at luaj.LuaValue.Z(src:1966) at luaj.LuaValue.l(src:1393) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:5988) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5717)
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