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Value serching by distance



Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would like to ask if it is possible to search for a value that is 140 distance, as in the attached screenshot. So far, I do it by scanning the initial value and then the second value when I lose some HP. I will be grateful for your answer. Regards


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local value1 = 140
local value2 = 140
local offset = 140
gg.searchNumber(value1, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
l = gg.getResultsCount()
aaa = gg.getResults(l)
for i = 1, l do
	bbb = gg.getValues({{ address = aaa[i].address + offset, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD }})[1].value
	if bbb == value2 then
-- Here you insert what you need, for example a print()


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