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Manipulating Chests and Tasks


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Hello people Will here. I've been apart of this community for a while now and came here to ask advice on how to crack Chests and tasks/missions since i havent figured those out yet. I know how to hack coins, gems, level but not chest or tasks.


For example, lets say the chest gives 5 cards, 100 cash. 3 diamond, 1000 cash.

Ive always tried to use this strat 5;100 or 3;1000 but it hasnt worked very well. Or if it has found something, its like 80000 files or smth.

Also with tasks, ive tried to search by using this ; whatever the tasks is. If i have to collect 10 chests and the reward in 100 coins ive tried to do it like this 10;100. Idk what im doing wrong

Game in question is SnipersVsThieves


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