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Pocket Mortys Cheat - multiplayer - I've tested the following

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I'm trying to use Game Guardian to cheat in the game Pocket Mortys on Android.
This game is VERY similar to pokemon, it's semi open-world, you catch mortys, each morty has an IV which represents how good it is after you catch it, there's tickets that you can buy for money.
I was able to generate a dump of the APK using IL2CppDumper and APKTool. I saw some functions that seem interesting to change.

For example, I want to change the IVs of a wild morty, they normally range from 0-16, so I found this function.

	// RVA: 0x185DB50 Offset: 0x185DB50 VA: 0x185DB50
	public void GenerateIVs(int min = 0, int max = 16) { }

going to the offset of that function I found 

MOV W20, W2 //these two variables should be min/ max right?
MOV W21, W1
//So I changed them to 
MOV W21, W2 
MOV W21, W1
//logically I'm generating a morty with either all min stats or all max.

But the game keeps crashing, or become VERY slow. I think they have a checksum somewhere, is that something I can fix? 
There's multiple other functions that I saw and seemed like they were interesting to play around with, but I think a good starting point is being able to catch a wild morty with 16(maxed) IVs.
Is this doable, if so what am I missing or what should I be doing?

In case this is not really doable, how would I go by displaying all available wild mortys and their IVs like a cheat table?

I know how multiplayer games are mostly based on the fact "never trust the client" but is it really possible that every single thing in the game is server-sided?
Oh and I've tried packet sniffing to see what kind of packets are being sent when a premium item is purchased with in-game currency and didn't really find much.

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