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Lua Guide: os.date


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os.date - Returns the date and time as a string or table. The first argument takes the format, the second argument takes the time in seconds. If you omit the 2nd argument, the function will return the current date and time. If the function is called without arguments, it will return the current date / time as 24/06/17 15:13:58.

Snap to window: no.
Working with a minimized window: yes.
All parameters are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.

os.date ([format [, time]])
format is an optional parameter. Enclosed in quotation marks (for example: os.date ("% X")). If the format is "* t", it returns a table:

year (year, four digits)
month (month, 1 - 12)
day (day, 1 - 31)
hour (hour, 0 - 23)
min (minutes, 0 - 59)
sec (seconds, 0 - 61)
wday (day of the week, Sunday equals 1)
yday (day of the year)
isdst (daytime flag, boolean type).
If the format is not equal to "* t", then the function returns the date as a string.
The format can be given:

% a - day of the week, abbreviated English.
% A - day of the week, fully English.
% b - month, abbreviated English.
% B - month, fully English.
% c - date and time (by default) in the format: 24/06/17 15:13:58)
% d - day of the month
% H - hour, in 24-hour format
% I - hour, in 12 hour format
% M - minute
% m - month
% p - time of day "am" or "pm"
% S - second
% w - day of the week (0 - 6 corresponds to Sunday-Saturday)
% x - date in the format: 24/06/17
% X - time in the format: 15:13:58
% Y - year (4 digits)
% y - year, (2 digits)
%% - symbol "%"
* t - will return the table
! * t - will return the table (GMT)
time is an optional parameter. If not specified, the function will return the current time.

Examples of
log ("clear") log ("mode compact")
local date_time = os.date () - assign date and time to a variable
log (date_time) - output to the log
log ("clear") log ("mode compact")
local arr = os.date ("* t")

log ("Year:" .. arr.year)
log ("Month:" .. arr.month)
log ("Day:" .. arr.day)
log ("Hour:" .. arr.hour)
log ("Minutes:" .. arr.min)
log ("Seconds:" .. arr.sec)
log ("Day of the week:" .. arr.wday)
log ("Day of the year:" .. arr.yday)
log (os.date ("% X")) - log the current time
log (os.date ("% B")) - month
log (os.date ("% H")) - hour
log (os.date ("% H:% M")) - hour and minutes
- the function returns the data type string, this must be taken into account when comparing
if os.date ("% H") == "12" then - compare as string
    log ("It is 12 o'clock")
    log ("It is not 12 o'clock")

if tonumber (os.date ("% H")) == 12 then - compare as a number
    log ("It is 12 o'clock")
    log ("It is not 12 o'clock")
- find out the day of the week
log (os.date ("% A", os.time ({year = 2017, month = 06, day = 25})))
log (os.date ("% d.% m.% Y")) - current date
log (os.date ("It is now% H hours% M minutes% S seconds"))

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