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Hi, sorta new and need script help



Hey, I made an account specifically for this issue - a script that used to run normally but stopped for some reason.

Here's some back story: this game hasn't been updated or worked on at all (other than the odd pet or card that would be put in and placed behind a paywall) so someone decided to write up a Lua script that would be injected into the game via game guardian. I managed to get hold of it and edit it around.

The idea behind the Lua script was it would be able to find your specific character's "fingerprint" (4 values about the one it found). Once it was found there'd be a secondary script where the 4 values would be placed.

this script made it so, even in an online game you wouldn't be banned. Every script was unique to the character played.

once it ran correctly, depending on what stage your weapon would be it would multiply the amount it would hit, ex: a 1.2k hit would skyrocket to 166k.

It worked perfectly, but I dropped it for 2 months or so and the Lua script, specifically, stopped working. I want to understand what went wrong and a possible fix for it.

Thanks and I'll provide further details if necessary.


(I tried to fix it, guess this is life now, lol)



What I'm getting.jpg

What it should look like.jpg

What I'm getting.jpg

1_4972414497642774704.lua 1_4972414497642774704.lua 1_4972414497642774704.lua 1_4972414497642774704.lua 1_4972414497642774704.lua 1_4972414497642774704.lua 1_4972414497642774704.lua

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