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View File Rules of Survival Simple Cheat | WakasiHuruHara Thank you for downloaded this script. If there any bugs or a certain mod that is getting you banned please let me know in comment section. Aim Assist : High aim assist a.k.a Aimbot (Undetected) *Tested on Asia server* Antenna Mode : Body, Head & Everyone. 1 Sec Heal & Revive knockdown team. Fast shoot + No recoil (Undetected) *Tested on Asia server* Change Weather : Dark night to Bright, Mist Disappear, Dark Sunny. Bigger FOV Camera. Remarks : I don't own this code or script. All goes to original founder in credit section. Credit to : Critical Hit & Agus Frendy Submitter WakasiHuruHara Submitted 03/15/18 Category LUA scripts
Version 1.0
Thank you for downloaded this script. If there any bugs or a certain mod that is getting you banned please let me know in comment section. Aim Assist : High aim assist a.k.a Aimbot (Undetected) *Tested on Asia server* Antenna Mode : Body, Head & Everyone. 1 Sec Heal & Revive knockdown team. Fast shoot + No recoil (Undetected) *Tested on Asia server* Change Weather : Dark night to Bright, Mist Disappear, Dark Sunny. Bigger FOV Camera. Remarks : I don't own this code or script. All goes to original founder in credit section. Credit to : Critical Hit & Agus Frendy- 3 comments