There are 2 methods to put script expiry
1st is os.clock() method to get current date of device, it is offline so can be easily bypassed by changing device date.
2nd my method is online method using html date header, it cannot be bypassed
Put the following code at top of your script (and change expiry date)
Date=15 -- Expiry date
Month=5 -- Expiry month
Year=2020 -- Expiry year
expiremessage="Script has expired. New version available" --Expiry message
--This script will expire on 15/05/2020
--Do not change below code
function check(t)
if t<10 then t="0"..t end
return t
expiredate=Year.. check(Month).. check(Date)
date=gg.makeRequest("").headers["Date" ][1] is smallest webpage so takes less time for loading
month={"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
for i=1,12 do
if month[i]==string.sub(date,9, 11) then
if i<10 then
currentdate=string.sub(date,13, 16)..i..string.sub(date,6, 7)
if tonumber(currentdate)>=tonumber(expiredate) then gg.alert(expiremessage) os.exit() end
-- Your script code below