1. You can email EA and plead your case. Make sure your storage is not unlimited and you don’t have an absurd amount of boosters, war cards, gold keys, platinum keys, Simcash or coins. In other words, look legit BEFORE you email them. They will check your city out. But myself and others have been successful at getting our cities restored (at least once).
2. You have been soft banned. You can still play on legit side for war and be in a club, but your GTHQ is on the Naughty Side. You can still buy and sell on Naughty, but you’ll never be able to trade with your Facebook friends or your club on the Nice side.
3. Yes, many of us have been testing the limits of these values and sharing them with each other on a Discord server called Naughty Island. https://discord.gg/eFxzkq2
4. There is a link to a video on the Discord server mentioned above that teaches you how to get these buildings and so much more!
We hope to see you there!