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Everything posted by Chepuan

  1. OMG. I deeply Apologies to masta Rastakiwi for my noob. i miss looking that you said 'go to the ADDRESS of the last '1'. Now game got hacked perfectly. i tried to be greedy. i make gems millions and game got corrupt. but just follow your instruction game run perfectly. THANKS SO MUCH MASTA RASTAKIWI AND ALL MASTA AND MEMBERS IN HERE :). and very sorry for my bad and broken english
  2. time to feedback. searched 109;109;9;1;1::69 as Dword i got 5 result. but honestly no idea what i must do. i try look at your post (4th page) but seem like i very noob in GameGuardian so i cant get what i must do. maybe this is big favor from me. any chance to make tutorial video?. ?
  3. Thanks so much for tutor me. now otw to try hack. will give feedback soon. Thanks So Much Masta ?
  4. happy to see that u succes but i still strugle about that. nothing found all time
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