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  1. View File xxhide v1 release!!! (BIGGEST HIDE ONLINE SCRIPT EVER!!!) Hye guys! I'm back with a nother menu release!! So this menu has been in the works for a few months and that's why I've not been sharing menus on here so it's working and stable and other stuff! So enjoy and also there is already a v2 in the works haha so stay tuned for that lol and also don't forget to sub to my channel for other cool menus!!!! yt: Submitter Mellomodzz Submitted 11/17/18 Category LUA scripts
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hye guys! I'm back with a nother menu release!! So this menu has been in the works for a few months and that's why I've not been sharing menus on here so it's working and stable and other stuff! So enjoy and also there is already a v2 in the works haha so stay tuned for that lol and also don't forget to sub to my channel for other cool menus!!!! yt:
  3. Version 4.1


    Here you go guys just did this so there is more to it and also if you got anything you want me to add like aimbot esp or something else LET ME KNOW!! see you next update! edit:thanks for the views! that's insane guys!!! and over a 100 downloads that's crazy and that's only after 12 hours after release so thanks and also i will add aimbot and other things next update since you guys crushed 100 downloads....also when its released DOWNLOAD THE NEW ONE AND DELETE THE LAST FILE FOR IT TO WORK!!!!!!!
  4. View File Jello v3 (Murdergame Portable) release!!! Here you go guys just did this so there is more to it and also if you got anything you want me to add like aimbot esp or something else LET ME KNOW!! see you next update! edit:thanks for the views! that's insane guys!!! and over a 100 downloads that's crazy and that's only after 12 hours after release so thanks and also i will add aimbot and other things next update since you guys crushed 100 downloads....also when its released DOWNLOAD THE NEW ONE AND DELETE THE LAST FILE FOR IT TO WORK!!!!!!! Submitter Mellomodzz Submitted 09/09/18 Category LUA scripts
  5. View File Jello v2.3! update is now out!!!!!! (Murdergame Portable Mod menu) [NEW UPDATE READ!!!!!] so when i was testing the menu i figured that alot of people will be confused on what the health mod does... well i decided when i get off of work ill update the menu and make a alert of what it does and if you dont read this and you probably wont but hey around 6:45 or 7 i will launch this update so go ahead and delete the other file so it doesnt keep crashing even though i fixed it alreadly.....anyways so yeah unless you know what the health does then make sure to update in the afternoon my time...... also thanks for over 100 downloads again thats insane!!! ps next menu is pubg so stay tunned!!!!!! Sooo holy s*** the v1 got so many downloads!!! ?? Anyways lol so I've added a few more mods and alot of patches for the menu because It sometimes crashes but hey! Now that's fixed and I can't thank you guys enough for all the downloads and views on v 1 soo yeah enjoy and sub to Yt: mell0 YouTube direct link: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCZa6Of1krVh-7782Rx2y6cg new link is bellow!! Submitter Mellomodzz Submitted 09/05/18 Category LUA scripts
  6. Version 2.5.6


    [NEW UPDATE READ!!!!!] so when i was testing the menu i figured that alot of people will be confused on what the health mod does... well i decided when i get off of work ill update the menu and make a alert of what it does and if you dont read this and you probably wont but hey around 6:45 or 7 i will launch this update so go ahead and delete the other file so it doesnt keep crashing even though i fixed it alreadly.....anyways so yeah unless you know what the health does then make sure to update in the afternoon my time...... also thanks for over 100 downloads again thats insane!!! ps next menu is pubg so stay tunned!!!!!! Sooo holy s*** the v1 got so many downloads!!! ?? Anyways lol so I've added a few more mods and alot of patches for the menu because It sometimes crashes but hey! Now that's fixed and I can't thank you guys enough for all the downloads and views on v 1 soo yeah enjoy and sub to Yt: mell0 YouTube direct link: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCZa6Of1krVh-7782Rx2y6cg new link is bellow!!
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