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  1. @PsyT3X works fine for me
  2. @Abdo15 script is crashing becuase its not finding the value and when you turn on a hack it crash . Its not going to work for you becuase your phone probably 64bit and mine is 32bit
  3. @Abdo15 example: Armv7 or Aarch64.
  4. @Abdo15 script works fine. Its probably becuase you have a different architecture
  5. View File Bullet Force 1.65.0 Radar Esp No recoil Unlimited ammo & high firerate Crosshair always visible Use all perks Fov Wallshoot No killstreak reset Instant killstreak Firerate Submitter I-Do-Trolling Submitted 10/20/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 1.0


    Radar Esp No recoil Unlimited ammo & high firerate Crosshair always visible Use all perks Fov Wallshoot No killstreak reset Instant killstreak Firerate
  7. View File Forward Assault 1.2005 script -radar -no recoil/spread -anti flash/smoke -no flinch -bhop -move before timer -buy anywhere -no camera shake -crosshair always visible -you don't exist -fov -low gravity -wallshoot -speedhack -firerate -one hit kill -esp (credits to yeetmeister) Submitter I-Do-Trolling Submitted 10/14/2019 Category Forward Assault  
  8. Version 1.2009


    -radar -no recoil/spread -anti flash/smoke -no flinch -bhop -move before timer -buy anywhere -no camera shake -crosshair always visible -you don't exist -fov -low gravity -wallshoot -speedhack -firerate -one hit kill -esp (credits to yeetmeister)
  9. View File Critical ops Script Critical ops script •Set Radar •Rain •No Recoil •No Spread •Set Firerate •Set Fov •Always Crosshair •Anti Flash/Smoke •No Sniper blur •Shoot dual with 1 gun •Instant Reload Note: if you dont have Root Use Vmos. Submitter I-Do-Trolling Submitted 10/01/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  10. Version 1.15.0.f1060


    Critical ops script •Set Radar •Rain •No Recoil •No Spread •Set Firerate •Set Fov •Always Crosshair •Anti Flash/Smoke •No Sniper blur •Shoot dual with 1 gun •Instant Reload Note: if you dont have Root Use Vmos.
  11. @xa4hx yea sure just dm on discord AØN#9398
  12. View File Critical ops Script Critical ops script for 1.6.0 Submitter I-Do-Trolling Submitted 05/21/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  13. Version 1.1


    Critical ops script for 1.6.0
  14. View File Critical ops And Forward assualt script Critical ops and Forward assault script Submitter I-Do-Trolling Submitted 10/23/18 Category LUA scripts
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