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Everything posted by APERSO

  1. Of course you will get banned because BYPASS DOES NOT MEAN ANTI-BAN IT MEANS PUBG WILL NOT CRASH. YOU NEED THE APK FROM SAMSUNG APPS FOR ANTI BAN. This is just a script demonstrating the fix. Not for actual usage.
  2. View File New Color Acid PUBG (Only Players Become Acid Color) This is just a fix for the old color acid because whenever I used it in smooth option, even buildings became color acid which was kinda frustrating. Also I have only tested it on SDM845 and it will probably not work, but if it works for you tell me! (It will not work if color acid originally did not work on your device) The only changes I made to the original color acid is search for variables with 0A0 in there address. demonstration_script.lua Submitter APERSO Submitted 09/08/18 Category LUA scripts
  3. 1,046 downloads

    This is just a fix for the old color acid because whenever I used it in smooth option, even buildings became color acid which was kinda frustrating. Also I have only tested it on SDM845 and it will probably not work, but if it works for you tell me! (It will not work if color acid originally did not work on your device) The only changes I made to the original color acid is search for variables with 0A0 in there address. demonstration_script.lua
  4. Try mine (Don't share it though because I only thought only I would use and I didn't write credit (Although some are made by me)so DO NOT SHARE) And also you should click the bypass 7-5 seconds before the transition between pubg and Lightspeed quantum APERSOV2.lua
  5. Then how can you explain the functions xmv and xmevius in your script? _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Copying other people's work may be an easy thing to do but the creator of the work may have spent countless hours searching for values. Which is why I cannot accept this. You at least could have created your own open menu when GG is opened? You should have at least credited the people who made this or say "I don't know who made this but it's definitely not mine" And also making a bypass is the easiest thing to do you just need to be searching any value during the transition between PUBG screen and the Lightspeed&Quantum screen. I believe what you're doing is very unrespectful of the creators of the hacks and I will not stop until you make your own functions and scripts or credit the people who made it.
  6. If you needed the password(s) local password = { "159753", "631952", "917208", "946738", "319076", "680327", "975302", "295631", "129867", "671298", "293468", "362184", "618794", "326837", "682109", "805391", "904276" } (Any of these should work, I only tested 159753)
  7. Done simple 1.4 decrypted.lua _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later You can just say things here.
  8. But what is the point in decrypting those script? And also I looked into the analin 1.6 code but the expiry date is bull****/data does nothing and you can still use it
  9. function noRecoil() gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber("50;200;0.5;40.0;0.3:512", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.searchNumber("0.3", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(20) gg.editAll("300", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber("1;10000D;100000:512", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.searchNumber("1", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(200) gg.editAll("0.001", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber("0.2~0.3;53;30;1::", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber("0.2~0.3;1::", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(200) gg.editAll("1.4012985e-45", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.toast("Successful Activation") gg.setVisible(false) gg.clearResults() end (I'm not sure where I got it but it's not mine, although I use it in my own script used by only me and my friends)
  10. View File Menuhack V4 decrypted Menuhacks v4 decrypted version uploaded here because it's a ***** copy paste script (If you look carefully there are signs of Xmevius and other people's script) And also he does not credit other people and credits himself. If you wan't me to decrypt a script tell me! Submitter APERSO Submitted 09/04/18 Category LUA scripts
  11. Version V5


    Menuhacks v4 decrypted version uploaded here because it's a ***** copy paste script (If you look carefully there are signs of Xmevius and other people's script) And also he does not credit other people and credits himself. If you wan't me to decrypt a script tell me!
  12. YAY!
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