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  1. Did u tried our VIP script...did u able to decrypt it and matched the code..? Do it and see for yourself...don't post illogical less knowledge post against us.. U LL not be able to use it...we terminated it by server... It's something more than you think
  2. That's why it's free...lol...why I wud waste time in free script..as I use it in VIP creation
  3. Nothing to worry...see it as 2 days trial...we will terminate this script...and...now group invite link has changed... And amdrekt (Rat) thanks for promotion...????? U are helping us by providing free trials.. Cuz we can terminate script anytime...
  4. We have autobypass and autoupdated server based auth... In our main VIP script...this is only trial...
  5. View File Trialv4 pubgmhacks.online Bypass added as another download with trial script... Free trial from our team (updated on 20 July 2018) full version has 60+ functions Visit website : Pubgmhacks.online Discord : https://discord.gg/QZaPjgP (link changed) Telegram group : https://t.me/joinchat/FJ6NQU-a-Cx_RorB_oJU-g Admin: strangekillers,thor8055 Use this pubg 6.0 app for no bans http://www.mediafire.com/file/k2qh1hmuc4j9j24/PUBG+MOBILE_V0.6.0.apk This app don't trigger anticheat.. Notice : Strangekillers ♔♕ Pubgmhacks.online: 2 things can be done if u get warning in game..go to phone 0/system/built prop.ini and modify it to Samsung Or Clear logs from game data After every match you need to erase your saved logs. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs Submitter Strangekillers Submitted 07/20/18 Category LUA scripts
  6. Version 1.3.4


    Bypass added as another download with trial script... Free trial from our team (updated on 20 July 2018) full version has 60+ functions Visit website : Pubgmhacks.online Discord : https://discord.gg/QZaPjgP (link changed) Telegram group : https://t.me/joinchat/FJ6NQU-a-Cx_RorB_oJU-g Admin: strangekillers,thor8055 Use this pubg 6.0 app for no bans http://www.mediafire.com/file/k2qh1hmuc4j9j24/PUBG+MOBILE_V0.6.0.apk This app don't trigger anticheat.. Notice : Strangekillers ♔♕ Pubgmhacks.online: 2 things can be done if u get warning in game..go to phone 0/system/built prop.ini and modify it to Samsung Or Clear logs from game data After every match you need to erase your saved logs. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs
  7. It's for snapdragon processors only...
  8. View File Freetrialv3 Pubgmhacks.online Free trial from our team (updated on 17 July 2018) full version has 60+ functions Visit website : Pubgmhacks.online Discord : https://discord.gg/rYWayRh Telegram group : https://t.me/joinchat/FJ6NQU-a-Cx_RorB_oJU-g Admin: strangekillers,thor8055 Use this pubg 6.0 app for no bans http://www.mediafire.com/file/k2qh1hmuc4j9j24/PUBG+MOBILE_V0.6.0.apk This app don't trigger anticheat.. Notice : Strangekillers ♔♕ Pubgmhacks.online: 2 things can be done if u get warning in game..go to phone 0/system/built prop.ini and modify it to Samsung Or Clear logs from game data After every match you need to erase your saved logs. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs Submitter Strangekillers Submitted 07/17/18 Category LUA scripts
  9. Version 3.0.0


    Free trial from our team (updated on 17 July 2018) full version has 60+ functions Visit website : Pubgmhacks.online Discord : https://discord.gg/rYWayRh Telegram group : https://t.me/joinchat/FJ6NQU-a-Cx_RorB_oJU-g Admin: strangekillers,thor8055 Use this pubg 6.0 app for no bans http://www.mediafire.com/file/k2qh1hmuc4j9j24/PUBG+MOBILE_V0.6.0.apk This app don't trigger anticheat.. Notice : Strangekillers ♔♕ Pubgmhacks.online: 2 things can be done if u get warning in game..go to phone 0/system/built prop.ini and modify it to Samsung Or Clear logs from game data After every match you need to erase your saved logs. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs
    I'll provide update of free trial tomorrow
  10. Version 1.2.0


    Free trial from our team (updated on 10/07/2018) see download file freetrial pubgmhacks.online 1_2.lua Visit : www.Pubgmhacks.online for full VIP Telegram group : https://t.me/joinchat/FJ6NQU-a-Cx_RorB_oJU-g Admin: strangekillers,thor8055 Discord : https://discord.gg/QZaPjgP Use this pubg 6.0 app for no bans http://www.mediafire.com/file/k2qh1hmuc4j9j24/PUBG+MOBILE_V0.6.0.apk This app don't trigger anticheat.. Notice : Strangekillers ♔♕ Pubgmhacks.online: 2 things can be done if u get warning in game..go to phone 0/system/built prop.ini and modify it to Samsung Or Clear logs from game data After every match you need to erase your saved logs. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs
  11. View File Free trial pubgmhacks.online Free trial from our team (updated on 10/07/2018) see download file freetrial pubgmhacks.online 1_2.lua Visit : www.Pubgmhacks.online for full VIP Telegram group : https://t.me/joinchat/FJ6NQU-a-Cx_RorB_oJU-g Admin: strangekillers,thor8055 Discord : https://discord.gg/QZaPjgP Use this pubg 6.0 app for no bans http://www.mediafire.com/file/k2qh1hmuc4j9j24/PUBG+MOBILE_V0.6.0.apk This app don't trigger anticheat.. Notice : Strangekillers ♔♕ Pubgmhacks.online: 2 things can be done if u get warning in game..go to phone 0/system/built prop.ini and modify it to Samsung Or Clear logs from game data After every match you need to erase your saved logs. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs Submitter Strangekillers Submitted 07/04/18 Category LUA scripts
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