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Posts posted by gio117

  1. 11 hours ago, Backlift said:

    I don't think there is a need to proof, but, there you go this time 1f60a.png






    Dude, how do you do that? I just need to be fed in the right direction. I want to do it on my own and actually learn. I don't want to encrypt, I want to decrypt.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Backlift said:

    Dude... I appreciate your youth and inspiring but, encrypting the script is not very needed...

    At the end we can find out the script no matter how you encrypte it.

    Just think about this:

    Can GG read "B7B77EC4BFB1C3C47877A0A59297" ? No

    So it must be something like this "gg.setVisible(false)" right? Yes

    The encrypted text MUST be decrypted in order for GG to read it, you accept this? Ok?

    So that's it... When decrypted, we also can read it 1f642.png pretty simple


    I don't have a fight with you and I'm not saying people should abandone their goal, I just said as you see above, if someone wants to steal it, he will anyway, so of course encrypting will block many, but not all.

    I, myself don't know how to encrypt like that, to be honest, but decrypting was just a second, run the script and read it ... Viola 1f642.png others can do this too anyway.


    --- Farewell

    I just want to know how to decrypt a this one.


  3. On 4/30/2018 at 1:37 PM, Enyby said:

    You need to learn lua, its syntax and functions. At this point, your script is a collection of random words that can not work in principle.

    You write some code and think that it will work the way you want.

    This is approximately how to put a piece of paper in the wallet "money appear", and then wait for them to appear there. It does not work that way.

    It's just that you can not download content from a web page. return is not goto. Your condition if nothing does and so on.

    OP and everyone that comes to this page are trying to learn; that's why we're here. I was hoping there was going to be someone helpful enough to lead people in the right direction on how this is done. If you're not going to answer then leave it alone, ya dingus.

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