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Everything posted by shionsan

  1. Name of Game: Eternal Senia - Hydrangea After The Rain Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sanctumstudio.eternalsenia2 What cheat: Blue crystals, Purple crystals Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Yes. Can easily find 2 values for blue crystals, yet game have some kind of protection and gets stuck-like when trying to modify them after you change them manually (no matter if you increase or decrease them). Changing bonus chest value (random chest drop with random crystal number) gives the same result. Comments: Save data is encrypted in value SeniaPlayer-DataKey of "com.sanctumstudio.eternalsenia2.v2.playerprefs.xml". Game is Unity-based. Lucky Patcher's patch for inapp purchases fails with "network error".
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