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  1. Anyone else having issues with finding the 1.875 addres after patch? Also my experimental game where I prestiged at stage 1044185 was banned, no surprise there lol
  2. search for 1.875 Float. There'll be around 200~400 results. Look for addresses in Cxxxxx74 and you just have to trial and error them.
  3. This. Also Mana is just a straightforward float search. also having trouble with this Doesnt seem to be working for me
  4. Just restarted again to see if the change in numbers are the same, they werent. this time the 2.xxx one changed and the other 1.875s stayed the same....
  5. Cleared data and used 1.875f;2.29374980927f:9 and it worked fine. I guess it only works on non-prestiged accounts. Did a prestige just to see how the numbers changed and got this the increase in the third value seems random But the 1.875 seems constant
  6. Tried the search... 0 results... Not sure what I'm doing wrong
  7. Any headway on this? hear the devs on reddit are starting to ban hackers... take care
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