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  1. Thank you that worked I was able to at least get cash and coins
  2. I will paste screens of the stuff hard to describe I guess. This is what I get everytime in the first pic no data at all, second pic is what I get after pressing the address location about 4 times not just once, once leaves everything at 1. But like I said those numbers show up now about 20 times in my list of 200.
  3. For the heck of it I just kept clicking 4 the numbers change but they are way off most are 10 digit numbers I have like 20 of the same numbers so have no idea. And the addresses are still all 0 no string information what so ever.
  4. Clicked the save tab, selected all files then clicked on that double up and down arrow typed 4 unchecked hex so if that is wrong then directions are not clear.
  5. I cant even tell you where I need help have closed this game down about 20 times not getting any 9 digit numbers everything I have is 1. So not sure if it is giving me the right results if my setting on guardian are wrong I have no idea where to even begin.
  6. Well still not working on my lvl 18 game get even less saved files with that and no 9 digit numbers so I guess I will just have to wait to see if anyone makes a mod or just play the normal way until I stop playing. I find something is wrong with c++ alloc as t is 0.00B cant reset it cant do anything to fix it tried uninstalling and reinstalling if that is what is being used to locate addresses then it wont work for me.
  7. Would not like to mess up my actual game with this looks good on video but you also watching a pro that knows what he is actually doing the instructions become very confusing towards the end and saw a few people mess up there game because of it. I have done other game guardian tweaks on other games and not this hard to understand with these instructions.
  8. Have no idea what the cupcake method is would be nice if I did not have to go thru pages of this to find out the code was not meant for new games and you had to have some type of income already to do these steps.
  9. Yes did not want to fool with my actually game until I know if I am doing this correctly so started a new game, I really not sure I want to mess with my lvl 18 account if I am going to mess things up on it.
  10. Ok I have tried the video That @NoFear posted, tried following the instructions that are written have closed this game down I don't know how many times get the first 100 records saved them then the instructions lose me because in your video the number goes up more then 100 is that because you already have cash increased. I then continue to step B since you stated if it is a new game I should get no more then 100 and save those when I change the address location to 4 I get no 9 digit numbers at all have closed this game down so many times and re-tried the step again to no avail. I can't even get the addresses to show any data they are all just 0's pages and pages of them. So does this actually work or is my game guardian setup wrong this is just not working no matter what I do.
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