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Nosferatu_ last won the day on April 14 2023

Nosferatu_ had the most liked content!


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    Galaxy S20
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  1. Hello @NoFear Could you check and try to modify something in this game?
  2. One diamond for one game? So it's not worth it
  3. @DoDevil Could you make a video of you doing it step by step?
  4. @DoDevil This is a completely different game, can you make a tutorial on how to farm diamonds?
  5. Name of Game: AFK Football: RPG Soccer Games Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wildlifestudios.afk.energy.soccer.game.supernova.football&hl=en_US What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Gold and diamonds
  6. @NoFear Did you find any new bug?
  7. I rooted my phone works perfectly, thanks @NoFear !!!!
  8. @NoFear I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it's not working for me. Do I need a rooted phone for this?
  9. Name of Game: MONOPOLY GO! Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scopely.monopolygo&hl=en&gl=US What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Dice, money
  10. Understand, but are you going to try hack this game? (tacticool) If so, how many games have you left before tacticool hacking?
  11. @NoFear can you write when you can try to hack this game? [emoji848]
  12. Ref. @NoFear You can check in your free time whether you can hack this game?
  13. Name of Game: Tacticool - 5v5 shooterPlay Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.panzerdog.tacticoolVersion: 1.1.2 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: AnythingHave you tried cheating this game? What happened?: No
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