You need to root your phone, go to and download it. Also, if you hack very blatantly, the developers cam ban you so watch out. Just follow what NoFear said and everything should work. Good Luck!
Name of Game: Blade Crafter Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): Version: 1.71 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Gold, gems, mp Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: i tried looking for the values in auto and encryption, but i couldnt find it. Comments:
At 2:53 in the first video, how do you know the holy orbs come first and how do you know that its 90 after the :: and not 5?
At 3:32 in the first video, why do you select those values, and what are they?
At 3:52 in the first video, why do you paste the value and then do 0;0;3::21? Also, why is it 21 this time and not 90?
wtf ur a god. ok a few questions.
At 2:53 in the first video, how do you know the holy orbs come first and how do you know that its 90 after the :: and not 5?
At 3:32 in the first video, why do you select those values, and what are they?
At 3:52 in the first video, why do you paste the value and then do 0;0;3::21? Also, why is it 21 this time and not 90?
Thats it for now i might have more if i struggle more
E: how do i hack time fragments
E2: nvm i didnt realize there was a pet booster thing lol
Name of Game: Just Kill Me 3 Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): Version: 3.7 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Gold, Gems, Time Fragments. Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I have tried to hack gold with XOR encryption, but none of the things i tried worked. Comments: Please help @NoFear lol
Sorry if this is getting annoying, but how do you know what value the nitro is at? Is it just whole numbers or is it decimals? How do you know what values are next to the nitro value?
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