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  1. this game is uncheatable coz the data is stored in the server not in your device.
  2. i dont like to root my mobile so i use rooted blue stacks on pc i use helium on my mobile to back up my save to google drive....then i use helium on blue stacks restore my back up save from google drive...then after i finsh hacking i use helium on blue stacks to back up my save on google drive and restore it from helium on my mobile you can get both blue stack and the root method with video how to root from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHPLXNzkVyw its not my video i just followed that video to get blue stacks and root it on pc and by the way if you are using game guardian for your mobile then it should work no need to get as many result as me coz its random every time it change the less result the better it is just make sure the type of value is Dword if you can send me a back up of your helium save i can hack diamond for you but u can only get 19999 diamond that way which is not enough if you can hack it yourself then u can freez the value and get unlimted diamond to send me your back up save download helium and back up your game chose to back up on Iternal storage then plug your mobile usb to pc and open your mobile from pc you will see a folder called carbon open it and you will see a folder called net.kairosoft.android.townshop_en thats where your back up save is put it in zip or rar and attach it here in post i will hack diamond and post it back to you but u will only get 19999 diamond it will not be enough to buy all gifts
  3. its my first time to make a video here you go https://youtu.be/LbrOpIRKM8Q and its latest version of dream town story
  4. its not my method its dodevil method credit goes to him and i just tried it again and it work maybe you do it wrong i will try to make a video and upload here or a picture
  5. you can also only change the correct value but this need little work....like i said if price is 600 and search list 300 or 400 value...let only 100 show at a time then edit all set price 601...if you see price change in one of those 100 values then back to game guardian click revert all button but dont remove them and select 10 at a time and set to 601 keep going to shop to see if price change if it changed then those 10 values revert them and edit them one by one set to 601....if you find the correct value then click save value button and freez it and set to -99999 then buy all diamond stuff you want after you finsh just save your game go to game guardian untick the freez revert back to origenal price and remove delete value note: sometimes you need to change 2 values together to change the price
  6. its complicated but i will try to explain you open shop and stay in this page and check gift box price if price is 600 diamond then go to game guardian search dword value 600 am sure it will list 400 or 500 values and game guardian only show the first 100 so click edit all button set value 601 then go back game see if gift box price become 601 if still 600 then click on remove button to remove those 100 values then will still have 300 or 400 value left you can see 100 again them but they are not selected so click select all button and set value 601 then go back to game see if price become 601....if not then you can repeat the above untill you see price become 601.....then click edit all button and set value to -99999 then go back game and buy gift box it will give you 99999 diamond if some expert is reading this i hope you can go to my request post of dragon quest 6 i want to learn how to do it then all future problems like that i can do it alone since i learned
  7. thank you
  8. Name of Game:dream town story Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.kairosoft.android.miniature_en Version:1.5.1 What cheat? Diamond its the premium currency of the game Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:i can cheat almost everything but i cant find a way to hack diamond and am 100% sure that diamond are not saved in server i think the displayed value in the game for diamond is not the real value Comments:please teach me the way to hack diamond
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