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  1. YOU_GOLD;327680~327699::5 REFINE 'YOUR_GOLD' CHANGE VALUE 999999999 ************************************* Unlock all cars 0;327700~327710;26::9 => the zero can be changed by the amount of unlocked planes in a car. REFINE 0 => the zero can be changed by the amount of unlocked planes in a car. CHANGE 0 TO 450 ************************************* VIP YOUR_VIP;327680~327699;26::9 REFINE 0 REPLACE 149950 TO BUY 50 GOLD IN STORE CONGRATULATION VIP 10 UNLOCK ************************************** Materials Parts 3;327691;26::9
  2. Hello dear, I tell you that in this version you can still hack gold and unlock all cars. Any questions related to NFS No Limits 3.7.4 can be made here. Greetings.
  3. You can perfectly play the blackridge with a pirated account without being blocked, as long as your gold is low, less than 10,000, I have done it and everything is fine. Also to comment that when there are special tests of cars like for example the P1 that is now, I do not use hack.
  4. they should not enter the blackridge tests, with more than 20,000 in gold, even insurance would be 10000 maximum, I am currently with 40,000 gold, I have not entered the blackridge tests, and I am still alive, my previous account was at level 96 and with more than 100,000 in gold between to play the blackridge tests and minutes later it had already been prohibited.
  5. This is working just for nitro, not for money, for me it's like that.
  6. The use of the hack has not been used because in f1, when I applied hack, the same thing happened to me the event ended.
  7. Today I realized that it works, before collecting the daily gold, that is, the 55 you have to apply the trick with game guardian, then the process of collecting the gold as shown in the video is enhanced, also saying that it is advisable to make 5000 in gold then save the data in the cloud and collect gold again, I say this since the game closes only after collecting 5000 and when restarting all the gold is lost.
  8. Video please
  9. It does not work for me, the back key goes to a game store, then it goes back and always comes back to the game store.
  10. I will try and commented
  11. Spanish : Puedes especificar mejor lo que has hecho tu ingles no se entiende muy bien, saludos. English : You can better specify what you have done your English is not understood very well, greetings.
  12. Did you manage to restore the mclaren event? I could not.
  13. That does not work since the data as well as advancing the game is loading the data to the cloud, downloading the data and downloading updates. I already probe it why I comment, I think there's nothing to do when this happens.
  14. Any way to restore the mclaren event?
  15. Careful when performing Hack TUNER TRIALS (Freeze Tokens Infinity Racers), I did this with the open mclaren event, the first thing I did was unlock the daily tests which did it correctly, then apply the code 604800, then go to see the achievements obtained in the game, when leaving there, this finalized the mclaren event.
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