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Everything posted by ClownApocolypse

  1. You probably know most of this but I will write what I needed to hear at this point This is still working in 1.6.2 You start by finding your item or potential list of items by searching your inventory using the amount of them you have in the stack.(This is explained in GG help) Ok, now the confusing part, NoFear figured out the path through pointers to find the item id. When you find the right path the pattern of addresses that are purple or white will look the same. What we are doing in this hack is following a pattern till we get to the address of item id, copying it and pasting it over the address of another item(like wood) or gas(in the shop) Watch the video 'LDOE 3 different Pointer Hacks (NoFear's method)' this will show you the pattern and how to set your options.
  2. This game is more complex than usual value changing, you need to learn about pointers, there are many video on the last 5 or 6 pages of this post that will help you but there is much room for error. This video is the one that helped me the most as it is slow and has some explanation of what he is doing - LDOE 3 different Pointer Hacks (NoFear's method)
  3. Yes, I think that there are just multiple guns there to help with finding values (patterns) Edit: It is easier to just give yourself weapon crates as in the video named LDOE 3 different Pointer Hacks (NoFear's method)
  4. I got it by a fluke it is transaction pack 10, I need to find it again today so will post better if i do. My game crashed and i lost all the boxes. I think i should have restarted before i started opening them.This is a note of the string values i took. a.c. h.a. _.1. 0...
  5. NoFear This game is probably my most complex style of hacking. It's only recently I've started to utilize pointers, which is proving to be a wonderful method if you have the patience. Honestly, started when I was younger with Nintendo and PS2. I had game genie and game shark (memory hacking for console games). I loved it and got good at making my own codes for fun. Then I learned I could do the same on my phone (woot). So, it's been a series of trial and error with every game and developer. You learn how developers work over time and when they release a new game, you already have a basic understanding of their previous work. With pointers, or becomes VERY time consuming. Essentially, look for patterns. If you see a value repeat every so many lines and is a large value that seems to have no meaning, that's usually a value being pointed to. The pointer, is a dword value in hex of that address. So search the hex dword of address location and you find a pointer. When you find a useful value, ALWAYS look at everything nearby... Look for patterns, look for the "next" value. If you find hp, you scroll up you find "max hp" and further below hp you find defense (yes this is for LDOE). Then all the space between, look for patterns and pointers. Follow them in either direction for more useful info. Ex: find values of thirst/hunger (value is how much is missing). Nearby is a value being pointed to. Search hex of that address and when you goto location, you see the specs for the hunger/thirst. Has a value for rate hunger/thirst decrease. So essentially have it never decrease without "freezing" it. With memory hacking it really is trial and error. MANY MANY MANY crashes, banned accounts and 100% broken saves. As long as people show SOME effort, I don't mind helping.
  6. Thx Krakken, I have managed to learn the first method in your video. I think i need to get some gold before i can try the other two. I saw a video where nofear points xp gain to gold value but cant find it now. Anyway thank you for leading me gently through my first pointer hack
  7. I have watched all the videos on the last 2 or 3 pages of this post but am having a hard time following them let alone understanding them. Its time to lift my GG game so want to learn how to do pointer hacks. I found a nice explanation of memory pointers but am having trouble translating that into GG. So i am posting this here because this game is heavy with this method. I have the latest update with the pointer search but got no results with my quick tests. 1. Any good tutorials on pointers and memory navigation in GG? 2. How do you know if something is a pointer or info that was being pointed too, like in Anonymous 1000's video an address is followed about 5 deep and it just looks random to me, except they are purple. I followed this but it didn't work for me , for example my first address was a purple one and anonymous had a white one so they choose the one below. I tried with the one i landed on and the one below. 3.What are purple addresses? I read that they may contain pointer i think.
  8. @Anonymous1000 I am watching your video but at 01:42 you start following the pointers (Ir al Pointer) and it looks like you scroll down and select a purple colored address and then go to its pointer. How do you know which purple address to choose? You have a purple address 2 lines down i don't have one for 8 lines. I am in a different country so searched for 40.99 _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later @Anonymous1000 I am watching your video but at 01:42 you start following the pointers (Ir al Pointer) and it looks like you scroll down and select a purple colored address and then go to its pointer. How do you know which purple address to choose? You have a purple address 2 lines down i don't have one for 8 lines. I am in a different country so searched for 40.99
  9. @NoFear I would love to see this concept video. Thank you for all your generous and amazing work. I just started on this game, it is up to version 1.6 now and wonder if these hacks are patched? I tried the crafting hack with frozen values but the values still came down and in other experimenting I could only get fuzzy searches down to 500 results and it took more than 30 searches to get there, which i think is a lot in my limited experience. Any Info greatly appreciated thx
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