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Everything posted by N54b

  1. Hello, Following the 1.8 update, someone would have a method to turn the hat of cheateur ... I try nothing but nothing: '(
  2. You can find all you need inside (not my vidéo)
  3. I did not specify all this because in my case I used an emulator without a real Google account to do my tests .... I made my modifications and I just recover the backup without using the files on my smartphone
  4. the Link For dl : http://dl.free.fr/bACPBe9RW ! ! ! ! BACKUP YOUR DATA ! ! ! ! 1. Uninstall the game 2. install the game but do not launch it 3. Extract Lib. Zip On /Data/Data/zombie.survival.craft And overwrite existing files 4. put your backup in its place and restart the game if everything went well your party should normally load At this point if all went well you should be able to do all the construction for free without necessary resources created all possible plans and improve your base without spending resources, not forgetting using the separate option you multiply your resources. 5 . when you finish all this I can not advise you too much to back up your data in an external folder, uninstall the game reinstall the game put back your backup and restart the game normally you will find your base as you have improved it, Attached is the beginning of improvements to mine
  5. I discovered a method of cheating much easier and more profitable for those interested Google> LDOE LIB. It does not allow to do everything but it helps not badly :).
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z6NRRwrKZ4 Use this method
  7. Hello all ! Would it be possible to group all the IDs of the objects I am particularly looking for resources, and the trunk. Here are the ones I have : connector_rod 18;7471220;6488181;6226027;7471220;7209057;7143539;753 Go up this list and add ALL YOU FIND !! Ty all
  8. All method is ok... I test and confirm
  9. Use the video poster à few days before, it works very well for the vtb and the chopper but especially not for the acid bath
  10. I have trying to find the item ID but never find it ... It would be necessary to set up a listing of all the ID / dword of the objects so that all the world can have them without asking constantly the id etc ... Go to your converters and swap the ID / DWORD of the objects =D
  11. Can you give id for item plz
  12. Hello, I made a small dump = D, I wanted to complete my tank of acid I succeeded (in part) but I modify too much thing and my part to plant ... So I modify again the keys modify and I find myself with my acid pools has half in my walls (cf the photo) Would anyone know that it "line" is to modify to correct this? : p I dare no longer touch it ... Thanks in advance = D
  13. And add item list (i search it for some item but dont find.... :'() ( Military backpack search : 11D;6.357.090D;7.012.451D;6.357.104D;7.012.451D;3.211.359D;50D Trunk search : 18D;7.667.814D;7.209.074D;7.602.281D;7.471.221D;7.471.221D;6.815.843D;7.536.741D;6.226.036D;3.538.993D (it exceeds the limit search so just search for 18D;7.667.814D;7.209.074D;7.602.281D;7.471.221D;7.471.221D;6.815.843D;7.536.741D ) Just giving you the whole cause there are plenty chest results.)
  14. Precisely I managed to get gold before but now I can not get any more. And I'm not really looking to have a video, I'm trying to figure out how it works. For example with the pictures attached. How can I set it to 1.29 matches my items? If it is possible to know = D. But then when I do a GOTO how do I "draw" the violet lines that interest me? I understand easily English but I am obliged to use google translation to be on not to be mistaken in what I write ...
  15. Hello everyone, I've been in the forum for a few weeks, and I managed to use a video to buy gold. But since version 1.5.8 I can not do it ALL. I would like to understand how it works ^^, I try to understand with the translation hexa> ascii etc ... but I drown ... Someone would have a way to get the missing components for ATV / chopper and if possible pay boxes (real money). Thank you in advance and excuse me for my English but it is google translation that helps me (French guy)
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