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    Samsung Galaxy J3

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  1. I tried upload video many times but failed. Sorry.
  2. All starting skills. There are 16. If you want to count 'all skills', there are 20. Starting Skills: Medic, Strong, Mechanic, Melee, Range, Hacking, Eagle Eye, Hiding, Trapping, Tracking, Athletic, Botany, Lockpicking, Tough, Electrician, Metabolism. Skills that you can get in game Legendary Skills: Unstoppable, Elusive Artificial Eye: Night Vision, Telescope
  3. It is easy. Open neo scavenger. Tap 'New Game'. Open GG. Choose neo scavengr. Tap new game. Place all skills to the right side. Search select memory range. Untick all but not Ca. Search 16 with Dword. After that decrease 1 skill. Search 15. You will see only 1 value left. Change that to 6. Tap confirm. Wait. After it done loading, change that value to 16. DONE. This is other method that I found myself. There is other method that use double or float. A bit harder to explain without video.
  4. @NoFear Can do try hack items value like berries? Im sorry if Im bothering you too much.
  5. Uh.. Where did you guys learn any of this? I dont understand this "double" thing.
  6. Oh. Im sorry. I dont know it will be different for other people. But I want that app that "convert double to float".
  7. It is pretty easy actually. Just fuzzy double. Place thing that has money value like 10.00, 145.00. Dont place thing that money value like 16.54. I dont know how to explain it 100% because my english is s***. Im sorry if you dont understand.
  8. @NoFear I don't understand any of this. But can you try hacking things value like bullet?
  9. Luluulululululu

    NEO Scavenger

    Name of Game: NEO Scavenger Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluebottlegames.neoscavengermobile&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dneo+scavenger&pcampaignid=APPU_1_qFjYWp6rD8TEvQTzwpzwCQ Version: 1.2.8 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: gold, skills, starting skills Have you tried cheating this game? yes What happened?: I tried it for f***in 6 hours. Still same. Comments: Help Found this. Dunno its help or not. And sorry if this is a wrong place to request. Im new. itemtypes.xml
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