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Everything posted by simran840

  1. i just check summer pack still works.. with #nofear method.. i search 320;900::512 any one how to hack health or attack i want to kill "the big one".. i try to change some address which result in attack =0..
  2. i use moded apk.. feature 1. unlimited craft ,so unlimited military storage boxes.. just buy it only once with nofear"s hack. i change all storage boxes to military one... 2. unlimited durability of armor and weapon..
  3. Manual backup is good...thanks
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwzFLOqPwiwIRHNDZWNldS1tZnc/view try this video . hope it works for you.. thanks alot.. now i linked pair and hack works every time..
  5. at 0.33 sec of video you do wrong.. you select first , you need to select second.. if there was 3 highlighted then select middle one.
  6. it didn"t save.. 500000000 was max per turn,if i add +500000000 in value more than 500000000 than also it save ,means value can cross 999999999.. my account was not linked with google , actully i get saved file from other sites ,i use it from of starting this month..any suggestion should i need to link my account?
  7. i get copper , atv , gunsmith and acid bath..(page no. 17 hack still works ,thanks! to that guy) gold hack also works special thanks to #nofear dupe item hack also works.. inbox hack also work for me now, actully problem is that i add valve +999999999 but we can add value only upto 500000000.. for those who face problem in saving data :- 1. edit values when u were in home and don't takes item after edit to your inventory.. 2. just do edit in gg and go to map and restart the game.. 3. if u still face the problem on certain item then try another combinations. , i face this problem on metal bar but after try different combination it works.. 4.enjoy... edit- summer pack also works... thanks to all of you guys..
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwzFLOqPwiwIS0l5OGNhOHhEeUE/view try this link, i reuplod it.. my gold hack and item dup hack both work , so i think i do some mistakes in inbox hack..
  9. Thanks For reply .. i will retry and give u feedback..
  10. I do with one and two..
  11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwzFLOqPwiwIZHFjNGVnNjFjbDA/view?usp=sharing PLEASE CHECK THE VIDEO , IF I DO ANY MISTAKE THEN ASSIST ME IN PM..
  12. Bro already tried 20-30 times , dupe item works but inbox changes always revert on restart the game, I tried original apk and moded apk ,l both gives same problem.. I seen video more than 5 times and do same .. Can any share apk and his data ,so I can test .
  13. 1.any solution ,all inbox changes revert back after restart the game? 2. Any way to geT copper gas tank with gg hack?
  14. My all inbox changes gets revert back After restart game..any help.. i didnot get lib. File.. maybe this is reason ,can u provide lib. File?
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