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Everything posted by 7mode

  1. hey @anonymous I'm stuck at loading when I updated to 1.8, I think its because ATV although I have it a long time and I did not finalize it. could you do a video on how to delete the transmission of the ATV, or could you do a video to fix the stuck loading issue? thnx
  2. how can I store items in my inbox? I want to store like 555 scar as a single item in my inbox can I do that ????
  3. @NoFear hey mate I appreciate your efforts and your magnificent work on LDOE . I want to ask you if a game like clash royal that I'm sure most of us playing it are hackable. When I first started playing I had some hopes and many tries but I gave up long time . With your work I see that really there is always a way to hack any game. Could you consider check the game and can you hack it ? Thnx in advance.
  4. Well thnx to @NoFears method I did the gold hack and other pointer stuff . However @Krakken I did not manage to inbox edit by your method I dunno why maybe I'm doing something wrong. However thnx to @tomyryu copying the same item quantity and ver code worked for me even a modified weapon it worked so thank you guys keep up the good work ???? Note : about the gunthmis and the acid path they add ver code to to the values so just adjust your hacks.
  5. Yes but u have to guess where the weapon is since its not by order any more. My advice make just one single weapon in your inbox so it's easy to search for it in the address list, I mean beside the 9999 items you have..
  6. I'm trying to finish the gunsmith I did edit the values but game is not saving did it get patched ?
  7. Are you sure ? Can any one confirm that?
  8. I'm a reasonable man ? I think I'm satisfied with that amount. However I heared that when the game became online our progress will reset so it's not like i could use all my 5000 m16 ?
  9. I hacked inbox and got arround 5000 m16 and 5000 military clothes. And .... game became boring right now :/
  10. I'll give it a try
  11. Is there a way like to dup the dealer box or maybe make it craft more than once or like anything would be hackable there ?
  12. Nope. ?
  13. Thnx mate ☺
  14. I'm doing dup hack. I'm wondering is there a way to dup a weapon? If there is please enlighten me with it ? _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Any thing on weapon dup ?
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