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Suati97 last won the day on November 4 2022

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    Black Shark 3
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  1. So, I’ve been trying to find a way to edit perk points, and I found some interesting stuff. 0 perk points = index 35 1 perk point = 40 (so, 1 point = 5). Sadly, this value is well protected, so you can’t edit it without ***** your perks… I also couldn’t find any pointers leading to something useful. On the other hand, I found the player's level near the perk points, and that’s also protected, if you edit it, all your perks get reset. So, don't do it lol... But a bit higher up, I found two values representing your current XP and the XP needed to level up. So, for example, if you need 300 XP to reach the next level, you can set your XP to 299 or 300 and do something to earn XP and there you go... But don’t go over that, or all your perks will reset That way, you level up normally and get 2 perk points. I've played for a bit and managed to get 30 points without any issues. Looks like a small trick to bypass the reset. I don’t have the exact pointers since memory changes depending on the device, but if you want to try maybe this will help you anyway, here’s my DWORD group search: 300D;300D;220D;220D;350D;150D;0D:41 I'll drop some pics below as proof, in case anyone's interested
  2. I'm definitely out of that league, I'd rather enjoy my free time hahaha
  3. sorry, but I haven't been able to find any pointers related to the inventory or the character's stats. The developer has put up a lot of obstacles for cheaters like us, haha. Every time I try to modify something, the system resets it to its default values and wipes all progress, so you basically have to kill the character and start over from scratch… I'm pretty sure the dev knows exactly what we're doing here. The only other way to crack this would be by using reverse engineering tools to dig into the inventory structure or the character's stats
  4. Sure, memory range JH, and the value is FLOAT... For example if you have 59 energy, search between 58 and 60 Now I have 54 energy so I searched between 53~55, same goes with life
  5. after 900 years i made a quick update to my old lil script... It only saves materials that you have unlocked, and they are in order too, in total they are 30... For example if you unlocked 12mats only edit the first 12 addresses and for the love of god use common sense... By the way you can still edit items, life, energy, buffs timer, gold, emeralds, etc... Don't edit skill points or the skill potion, it will reset to 0 and you will lose every perks you got... As I said before game guardian is limited in comparison to cheat engine and this game is a pain in the a** to play with tbh S.A.D(caves rpg script_v4).lua
  6. you don't need the offer to get the bear, personally I always edit the reward of the boses quests, and I have like 9kkk of gingerbread and with that you can buy anything.... Or you can just do an item swap
  7. Try this 10D;0D;Q 'polar_bear':
  8. It's still working and without a ban. Use it to train your pets to 100, in case you haven't done it yet lol
  9. After installing an apk from another site, I got it haha. Thanks
  10. Yes I found the pointer but it still seems that the update with the bear is not available in my country
  11. Has anyone been able to get the polar bear pet?
  12. edit the souls of the first reward from the first boss, tested online, Ive added like 900000000 souls still no ban, range CA, double value Pd: remember toalways back up your game with titanium backup
  13. will this be updated for this season?
  14. Hello there good man... Will you update this script? Seems like the latest update sc.rew up the whole script
  15. the new update has really good items, I guess they haven't patched anything although I haven't tested anything yet. Have you already tried it @AngelWolf?
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