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Everything posted by DemiGod666

  1. Hi sorry in advance cuz i have not been following this thread but wanted to ask hoe to reduce inbox items...i have 500m guns in inbox which makes the game boring...i wanna change it to like 10k guns..how to do it?
  2. Hi, wanted to ask if anyone else has this problem .. So basically before this update i had hacked the summer pack and placed 4 chest and the rest in my inbox..now if i take the chests and try to place it, it says max 3...and i don't know what is wrong...i can place the normal chest but not the summer pack one.
  3. You mean total 500m or edit it..like should i edit it to 499999999 or edit it to 500m..cuz just now i tried 500m it didn't save..
  4. Guys plz help me and tell me where i do wrong for the inbox hack as it won't save. First i search 620;700 dword ( 620 wood 700 limesone) then i choose the address with a dword value above the 620D. I locate the gun address and then modify it as dword..add to value 50000. I press take on the gun it gives me a few guns but it stays in inbox...then i walk around open chest enter exit map but it wont save.
  5. Well @NoFear your inbox hack doesn't work anymore ..for me at least.. I can buy the packs that requires minry but cant dupe items
  6. Still works... I can confirm..it doesn't matter if it is sold or not..
  7. Just search 245 then... Thats what i did
  8. Same process ..i dont live in us so for me price was 21.99..i double search it chose the first value go to...then just as no fear video save the address by gping to pointers and stuff...then after you save the address i chose to work with gasoline since i have boost active..double search 400;800..i chose 400 so after that go to..then same process of going through the pointer..when last purple value copy address and search it adding h..go to saved address copy it and replace ...then buy the gasoline and check your inbox.. In conclusion it's exactly the same process just change the starting value with your price of summer pack.
  9. @NoFear DUDE YOU ARE GOD!! Cant thank you enough for the gold hack ..i used your gold hack method with the summer pack..it worked !!! Now i have the military storage!! Hope this works in next update and they add more purchases...will do the same again! Justone more thing can you help me with inbox hack.. After changing my wood it doesn't save
  10. When i do the inbox editing i am using 2 wood stack..one with 641 and one with 660...but after editing the wood i cant save it...i tried waiting doesn't save ..i tried entering map doesn't save also..any idea what im doing wrong ?
  11. Anyone know/got a save that has gold and inbox hack with guns after the update or whatever it was??..cuz 1.5.5 saves asks me to update and stuck on loading.
  12. I tried this save but it is just stuck at loading screen..also it asks me to update the game
  13. You know a save for hacked coin and inbox hack for guns??
  14. Okay thanks! I'll try it out
  15. Alright thanks though..just do me a favor if possible ... Could you keep and eye out for .lib with only gold hack ??..cuz i dont want a save that had 200mil of all resources and guns..makes it boring Thanks again!
  16. I had my acid bath on that stone floor..i edited some values and it teleported beside the truck ..(look in the screenshot at the radar) and it has no floor under it
  17. I see..well guess im out of luck..i would actually do the trick where you can make someone else's game save link to your Google account but they have absurd amount of inbox hack..making the game point less and boring.
  18. @Krakken Brother please help me..i messed up. #1So in order to complete acid bath i messed up with values..now it teleported a few blocks away on the grass but the floor cant be removed as it says something is blocking. #2 i can't place any items now...i made a chest but cant place it anywhere..i click the tick sign but nothing happens .. I was able to get acid bath to show up and complete it . I can show you all my values through a video and maybe ypu can guide me if i should change anything to reset it or something so my game works properly. Plz help..sos Thanks
  19. Hi i tried the inbox method and it worked with nornal weapons..but for the modified weapons i cant find their 1D value..plz help
  20. How to create a backup save?
  21. I did that with acid bath ..now instead of it being on the stone floor..it was teleported to the ground on grass near the truck...i can open it to complete it but cant move it back to stone floor
  22. Hmm.. Gotta try it out
  23. Wont work with stuff that requires 20 or even 15...i tried...need ti split the resource then it becomes 10 then it works...so for stuff that requires more than 10 i think this method isnt so great
  24. I tried to only complete the acid bath.. But now i cant seem yo access it...i didnt click finalize and dont even know if i completed it...now i go near it press the gear icon and nothing happens
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