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  1. is there a way to bypass the dang update, i can't get past it tried airplane mode start app and take airplain off it gets stuck at 10%
  2. as of now no force update YET lol
  3. new update is out and yes if you try achievement hack on new update it will jail your device and there is no gold on the new hack, when you change values you can see gold but once you play it chages to 7k cash and you can nit hit collect all achievements and same goes for club boost they have removed values from the section where it was before.
  4. i figured out the club boost it was not bad.
  5. yea its what i did lol, never seen jailed that fast hehe
  6. ok so i did change value with demo acc and game asked to restart when i tried buying the boost and when i got back in the store was unavailable so i am guessing that got that account jailed.
  7. hmm, might have to try that, i got all exited when all the boost changed in store to what i changed the value to but then it went back to normal i was bummed lol.
  8. i was doing that but takes a lot of time to load gold then to buy club boost with it as the hack i got only gives 1600 gold, i did one time get to change value in club for boost but it did not stick not sure if i needed to do anything else to make it work
  9. i have the achievement hack and will trade for the club boost hack.
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