i don't want to be leecher so i'm starting to learn how to cheat mobile game by self. the first game for my research is final fantasy brave exvius. it's online mobile game. it has server to validate every action. like every online game this will be very hard to be hacked or cheat except we do injection to the server (sql injection, parameter injection or whatever). as i'm new and my knowledge about this stuff very limited, i can't do injection because you know need to capture packet data to figuring out where their API server web address. Even i know they use amazon server from simple cmd command netstat -ano i choose different way to hack this game. my idea is:
i found that if i can jump to the next action this game could be cheat easily. the problem is i don't know how to jump the instruction using game guardian nor i'm not willing to learn modding apk file. some action in this game will need connected to the server to validate our data in their database when the request is valid they send "true" command feedback to the game so the game would show player with the next valid action How can i jump the validation action to the server so it will always send "true" command to the client and i can jump to the next action? can this possible with game guardian? or i need to mods apk?
i don't know where should i post this question so i post here.
Thanks beforehand