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Everything posted by kimchanjun

  1. u need search while u are in any battle. my game run on 32bit. Or maybe i wrong somewhere.
  2. View File AngelSaga script Script for AngelSaga 1.73 Enter any battle then run script Script cheat: ATK Speed + 999% Recovery HP when enemy dies + 999% + HP 999% Don't choose three card otherwise you will got wrong data skill Submitter kimchanjun Submitted 11/30/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Script for AngelSaga 1.73 - maybe got banned Enter any battle then run script Script cheat: ATK Speed + 999% Recovery HP when enemy dies + 999% + HP 999% Don't choose three card otherwise you will got wrong data skill
  4. diver_boots, diver_mask, resource_ore_3, resource_ore_4
  5. 100,200,500?? Im not add them. All i do is convert text (ascii) to hexadecimal.
  6. Here is a video about how to i find item id, it easy to do on PC than Phone.
  7. Still work with me. As you see in my video, i saved 2 address. If you just only change the first address, item changed after you enter any map or reload game (take before enter map or reload game will got original item) If you only change the second address, you can take item changed but original item will be revert on next time you login game
  8. @NoFear I saw video Metal bar hack and can i ask about number 25 in group search. What is it, what it mean?
  9. No commentary
  10. Game not support ATV yet, so you can't finalize it. Even Mod or original apk. Because maybe they not make ATV animation, new map,... yet. Dont waste your time for ATV, wait for LDOE release it.
  11. Are your watched it? https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17283-last-day-on-earth-survival/?page=7&tab=comments#comment-59737
  12. I dont know what you do so to make sure it success, you need restart game. I has posted the order to group, you can change the group but do not revert them. In my video, i group follow number is 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 and in your video, you has reverted them ( 10 - 9 - 8 - 7) So you should be group search 20;13;10;29::50
  13. Just make a small video and send to me. I need to know more what you do? In that video, i has said the order to group, you need to know to group them.
  14. Watch video carefully bro. i said you will see group value It about -1,xxx,xxx,xxx D 0D partvalueD And in your pic is -1,xxx,xxx,xxxD 0D 723D 27D _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Read this: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17283-last-day-on-earth-survival/?do=findComment&comment=59745
  15. you can try what you want, but now, when you FINALIZE your ATV, it nothing happen and you cant contact it.
  16. Verify your chopper/ATV then restart game. i group search with this order. i will group 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 group size i set is 50 but when you group more you need to change group size. search above first value and see. see group value. It about -1,xxx,xxx,xxx D ; 0D ; partvalueD after edit them, you need leave your base then restart game.
  17. Thank about video, but that video doesn't save game progress. I found other can make it save :3
  18. Max level 99 = 750700 EXP Group search -128B~255B;0D;750700E::6 Or group search -72B;0D;750700E::6 You will found your exp Edit it, maybe 50 or 100. Enter map you stay or leave the current map, then close and re-open game. Hope it can help you.
  19. NOT WORK WITH ver 1.5.4 Cheat Coin 1.5.3. Maybe it useless now but i think it will help someone who cant cheat. Enable CC to read guide. All you need is: Phone/Emulator with root GameGuardian Game Last day on earth Coin >0 First you need to do is decrease your coin below 25 ( if it below so not need to do), close and re-open game. Group search with -128B~255B;0D;coin E::6 ( ex: -128B~255B;0D;20E::6) (maybe can try this group: -72B;0D;coinE::6 Ex: -72B;0D;20E::6) Edit value. Enter the map you stay or leave the current map. Close game and re-open. If have something wrong, message me.
  20. Still can, you need do something like run, pickup, change your armor, change weapon then re-open game and research.
  21. Dead will make all back to normal.
  22. Try jump follow my offset, if jump to 1.0E, edit it to other number then remember it. Re-open game then see what change. Attack speed = Attack speed weapon x default value (1.0E) /Hand attack speed = 1.8 x default value (1.0E) Move speed = Boots speed x default value (1.0E) So if the number you change effected your attack speed and move speed then (changed speed / default speed) = number you had changed.
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