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Everything posted by Williamaxe

  1. yes..ranked match can be hacked sometimes. im in GM II level 30
  2. its server side
  3. i dont know if this method still works. gems: try speed hack, i hv been collect my daily login for next 10 months, the point of the game is to kill enemy without being killed. but, i cant share the hack because this forum is for gems hack. sorry for my bad english
  4. jurassic park builder . hack cash(Dword) step by step by picture. 1.getcashfrommission or get cash from battle ....search... 2. spend cash from evolve or buy decoration. ......search...... 3. got you ( only an address found) warning : do not change the Dword. 4. klik the value (pic.3)thenchoose "GO TO" then choose Xor. 5. Real Xor value 6. edit value and FREEZE. wait n see unlock the save address 7. PEACE
  5. cheat food: 1. first value 68573. new search 68573 (auto). 2. get food, value 76534. " do not search" wait 1-2 minute, explore the park. 3. explore the game / park 4. search value 76534. 5. there are 4 value. 6. edit Dword , check FREEZE. 7. try to feed them. (hehehe) 8. IT WORKS 9. UNLOCK the value 10. Try to level up again. ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ JW : search in Qword ??????
  6. list of cheat : -jurassic wold : JW point : search in Qword (only take 2x search to find exact point) each time your level up, you ll receive 15 jw. - cash : search in Qword , win a battle or level up to gain cash. how : enter the value, then choose Qword and search. win a battle ( cash only ) you'll receive 10 cash. wait 2-3 minute, then enter the new value and refine search. repeat untill there's only one value (address). open the value then change it to 99999999 then choose FREEZE (freeze is the trick of this trick) then go back to game, try to expand area with cash. if it work , then unfreeze the value, it will not degrees the value. buy gold n food with cash till max. they will stay there when we play next time. but not the cash. - food : search in auto . you'll find 4 value for food, but you'll only need to change the Dword ( there will be 2 value of dword) change then freeze them, then feed dino and unfreeze the value. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later jurassic park builder is more easier. the value are in Xor n Dword.
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