This will take many tries. I took me 4 days of trial and error. You will basically want to find only 1 value and you will want to cycle atleast 3 times to do so. Cycle meaning. Search known value,Ex: 165; then collect gems via quest or spend some via barracks(recruit cheapest troop and fast forward using gems) the. Go back to GG and refine search to the new value Ex:172. You want to repeat this process until you only have 1 value. When you finally have only 1 value you will open your daily quest menu then go to gg and change the value to desired amount (I put in 6 million) then onice edited go back to DOT and exit the quest menu and don't do anything just let it sit there for about 30 seconds if you do not get a immediate resync (which will not get you banned, this happens to people all the time and dev team is not notified about this) it should change your gems right infront of your eyes. Once this happens I exited both gg and dot and reopen dot without gg and boom there they were still 6m gems. You may have to try this a few time but eventually it will work. Best of luck and remember DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR PLAYER XP EVER! just build a few things every couple of hours and level with natural building and attacking XP and stay low key and you will be ok. The only way you will get banned is if you make it obvious and someone reports you then admin will review your account which then they will see your $100,000US worth of game gems and won't be very happy lol.
added 2 minutes later
Of it doesn't change immediately just restart**