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Posts posted by thathot1

  1. I've been able to change IVs on most of my characters in GG, but I have a bit of a problem trying to move Olivia's +Atk -Res IVs (and sadly, she's my only one). I've done it hundreds (okay, maybe like 20) times with no luck. I've done -124 skip one (which is sometimes 0) and the next two, -124 and the next three, -128 and down, etc, etc with no luck. Anybody has any ideas? I'm still able to change other's IVs but just not with Olivia's stats. I had to use 228/229 to get her heart value and I think she's the only one I've had to do that for. Is that my issue? She's holding up a list of characters that need those stats T_T

  2. On 2/26/2017 at 7:34 PM, Jeronimous said:

    For people smarter/more interested than me:


    Use the process described above + this info here to find how to modify the rest of the values using GG.

    Fire Emblem Cheat engine hack (personal).png



    Edit: heads up, the Heart value can change if you have more than one of the same character. I heard it can be e5/e6 but my own testings gave me E4/E5.


    Edit 2: remember you can use Windows's build in calculator in Programmer mode to convert these values from Hex to Decimals to use in GG.

    So you're saying we have to manually input the stat values to match up with the Level+10?


    EDIT: Nevermind. Once again, I'm an idiot. +10 does change the stats. Sorry lol

  3. 2 minutes ago, yep_its_fenchai said:

    I think this is correct, you can also check by sending units home (it should show I gain 11,000 feathers but I only get 0), I will try resetting to check if that changes anything.

    I couldn't even send my Roy home. He has an X like Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena. Uh oh

  4. 28 minutes ago, Jeronimous said:


    You're almost right. It is just as simple as changing it to 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 yes, but that address will change every time you launch the game so you have to do a simple Hex calculation to find it.


    To find the other memory addresses use the exact same step as described above but instead of calculating -60/-64 use these:

    • nº Stars = -70 and -74
    • +x Level = -60 and -64
    • Hero level (1-40) = -58 and -5C
    • SP = -4 and -8
    • Max HP (only works until you restart the game and before you enter battles) = -24


    Change the values according to the picture I posted above. In the tutorial we did a xor of the value we found to A, and that's the same A that's in the picture. So use the other values in the picture and change accordingly. (i.e. instead of "A" you'll put "5" to change the Stars and "FF 0F" to change your SP)

    I think the star changer is just for looks and doesn't actually change the stats accordingly. I followed your steps and upgraded my 4 star Roy to 5 star. His stats didn't move. I leveled him up manually and he didn't gain any stats (just some SP). 


    EDIT: I think the same for +x level as well

  5. On 2/11/2017 at 8:39 PM, Vashis said:

    #) Get 999,999 Shards, Crystals:
    1). At the same Level Up page, when you try to level up a character you will see how many, crystals/shards you will need to use.
    2). Simply search for the value that you see on screen and then press the button to lvl up or down a hero. The value changes and so search for the new one until you have only 1 result.
    3). Now using the tool modify the value to -999999.        !!!! Don't forget the -, otherwise it will not work and you will use your items instead.

    For some reason, I can't get this to work. I have one result. Do I just type -99999 and press Yes? If so, it's not liking me :/

  6. 20 minutes ago, Jeronimous said:

    Try leveling him up and see if that fixes it.


    Edit: in any case I highly doubt you'd ever get banned for it.

    Edit 2: or just close the game before leveling up.


    Edit 3: I'm an idiot. Just redo the process. Every time you do it you're rewriting the value, not adding to it.

    Okay, He went back to Draug +1. I'll just wait to level him up again to see what happens. If he goes back to +11, oh well, he'll be special lol

  7. Just now, Jeronimous said:

    Try leveling it up and see if that fixes it.


    There is a way with another memory editing software but I'm not sure I'm allowed to talk about that here.

    Ahh, I just leveled him up so the +10 would show. He's 35 right now, I believe, so it'll be a while to level him up again lol


    Thank you for the specific walkthrough! It was very helpful :)

  8. 1 hour ago, Jeronimous said:

    That is perfect.

    Thank you!



    If you allow me I'd like to elaborate on your tutorial for the people with less knowledge.


    All credits to @RandomBot

    1. On the Hero page.
    2. Check that Hero's Heart (to favorite it).
    3. Open GG and do a byte search for 100 with the Heart checked.
    4. Uncheck the heart so its gray, then refine the GG search to 101.
    5. Repeat until you're left with 1 address. If you get 2 the one ending in 0 should be the correct one. (some units can't be found, idk why).
    6. Write down that memory address (the letters/numbers code before the 100/101 in GG).
    7. Hold click that address/value and choose "Go to address: XXXXXXXX". You'll be taken to a page with a lot of addresses. We'll need to find the right one.
    8. You'll need a Hex calculator. Windows's build in calculator in programmer mode has that. Note the Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin modes it can be changed to and change it to Hex. Don't touch anything else yet.
    9. Paste or write that memory address value (the one I told you to write down) into the calculator. Subtract -64 from it (like you would a normal calculator) and write down that value. Now repeat this step but instead of -64 subtract -60 and also save that value.
    10. (Those two new values you've found are the values that hold the "+x level" of the hero. You can change one value to A and another to 0 in order to get +10 but i feel like that might be more risky, so instead we'll use the calculator to xor one of the values to A.)
    11. In GG, on the list of addresses that's open, find those 2 new values in there (they should be next to each other and also about one screen of space above the initial value). Of the 2 address we are going to edit the one on the top.
    12. Click the address on the top to edit it and choose Dword. Write down that Dword value but don't change anything yet.
    13. In the calculator change the mode from Hex to Dec and then paste that Dword value there. Now change the calculator back to Hex and the value should now be in Hex.
    14. In the calculator press the button "Xor" then the button "A" and then the button "=", it will give you a new value. Change the calculator to Dec again (that will convert the new value) and then write down that value.
    15. In GG paste that new value in the place of the old one. Click yes to modify it.
    16. Everything is done! All you need to do now is to level up your character before closing the game so that your new +10 Hero will sync with the server and be saved forever.

    All credits to @RandomBot

    I did this and my Draug +1 turned to Draug +11. I'm an idiot. Is there a way to change it to make it one less?

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