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SmilingSword last won the day on February 27 2023

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    Xiaomi Note 4x REDMI ;Samsung Note 8, Razer;IphoneX;Samsung Edge 8
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  1. I see Edit: found the method way thank you for the little info they given out in discord i do it wrong way last time, no wonder it doesnt work
  2. best bet second check with different info. not just app version, something else, considering that the check take a bit of time to give an error.
  3. they had already patched that, they do another check on your app version and so on at the bar claim dice
  4. i was here since 2013-15 if not mistaken, forgot my old account and register 2017 with this acc. been on and off, basiclly lots of work todo irl
  5. Sorry for late joining to this topic. They fixed this already since 1.9.2 version for the "fixed" roll and randomized it already BUT only for the roll. Everything else still the same, FIXED for heist, community chest, sticker packs, and so on. The differences in cake event / car event the special buddy event, its still fixed but with the multiplier, if you change the multiplier into x1, its fixed for the x1 only if change to x20, it fixed to x20 only. so there no win win situation here. the thing about monopoly go is, actually not everything is server sided but im still not sure how they do it. Like the glitch for getting dice bar fulled via invitation it was base on client side (and check the version of the client on server side before sending request) and so far there is around 10 people using this method on newest version 1.11.0 - 1.11.5 by decompiling sources of 1.10.0 into 1.11 and again i think its just bug from the game that the developer miss out a lot. and i found out that rolling at active connection is different with offline. etc, i manage to always "double" roll the dice when there is connection but when i turn off the internet the always "double" roll wont be activated. may i know who you are?
  6. there is new way, i saw people selling patched monopoly go dices recently
  7. they fix it already
  8. View File Anti-Ban For Pubgm Global If you have any question or regarding more feature please contact me at telegram @Unique1Coder this is pubgm anti ban in lobby Submitter SmilingSword Submitted 02/27/2023 Category PUBG  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    If you have any question or regarding more feature please contact me at telegram @Unique1Coder this is pubgm anti ban in lobby
  10. View File CODM Flash Hack Active in lobby. Codm Flash Hack FREE. If you want more exclusive hack like emulator bypass + hack do contact me at telegram @Unique1Coder Submitter SmilingSword Submitted 02/26/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Active in lobby. Codm Flash Hack FREE. If you want more exclusive hack like emulator bypass + hack do contact me at telegram @Unique1Coder
  12. still gonna banned
  13. give more information screenshot. everyhone worlking
  14. View File LAST WAR ALL Dmg+Health+LvlUp Welcome! Script contain max level current unit you have in bunker and maxed its skilll. For mkre do pm me Submitter SmilingSword Submitted 11/24/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  15. Version SS1


    Welcome! Script contain max level current unit you have in bunker and maxed its skilll. For more do pm me Updated added health + damage + attack speed
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