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  • Android
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    Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus

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  1. hi thnx for your reply, I've installed game killer and it works smoothly on my phone, I can finely start hacking! thnx allot!!
  2. thnx fr the answer, but how do i upgrade? is there a good guide for my galaxy ace plus? i found one on the net to upgrade to android 4.2.1 but in the comments do not look positive (link: http://mobotechie.com/android/how-to-update-samsung-galaxy-ace-plus-s7500-to-android-4-2-1-jellybean-ultimate-guide) anyone who has experience with this? thnx allot guys
  3. hey, i'm using version 6.0.0
  4. same problem with any other game...
  5. thx fr the reply i've set the temp path and set it to all locations but the same. I play, open GG search number, it keeps searching on and on so when i press abort, or i wanna go back to the game, it is stuck
  6. Hey guys, It's already a while ago I've rooted my phone following the instructions on this youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi7VPPaj5UU I've also installed a root checker app to make sure i'm rooted. Now I've installed gameguardian and want to use it for hacking defender II. When i'm playing and pres the GG icon, filling in a value, it just keeps searching a value and eventually it crashes or the game itselve blocks. I've allready searched the internet countless times to find a solution for this problem. They said it could be solved if i installed some extra apps so i've also installed titanium back-up, busybox and lucky patcher but still not working. I hope you guys can help me out some info about my phone: galaxy Ace plus (GT-S7500) android version: 2.3.6 grtz
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