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  1. Just worked! But with a Little modification to the video (in my case). When adding 1 to all the result, i've got only 201 and 202 but multiple times (i've got 1350 results, half 201 and half 202). So, the value of stamps now was 201, so i've tried starting to the address 70xxxxx to the 89xxxxx, and i found the right one after a bunch of address modification. I've tried also restarting game, but i get everytime only 201 and 202..... bah. So, i'm happy that now i can buy better weapon, i don't like cheating damage and healt, that will be too easy. Thanks a lot! P.s. I still don't know what is X4, i have to find some time and learn cheating better! Ah, in the screenshot you can see a glitch by modify the wrong number xD. I've got also a beautiful pink screen.....
  2. Nope. If i set a negative number to last gold and first stamps items, the first give me the set gold, but i can't purchase the second because i'm out of stamps. I have 75 of them last.....
  3. Name of Game: Adventure Xpress Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pikpok.ax.play&hl=it&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dadventure+xpress&pcampaignid=APPU_1_miSfWpakGMbhkgWd7aPABQ Version: 1.2.1 Last update on october 2015 (it will be easy, ahahah) What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Stamp. Yes.... Stamps Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: yes. I have successfully hack golg by setting a negative number to a item in store. Then i've tried to do "go to" and i found the stamps value. But editing it, has not effect. I've also hacked Healt points while in combat....
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