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Posts posted by JITDebug

  1. At last! I did it!

    Here's the list of all monster ID:

    01 - Fairy

    02 - Imp

    03 - Pixie

    04 - Yeti

    05 - Harpy

    06 - Hellhound

    07 - Warbear

    08 - Elemental

    09 - Garuda

    10 - Inugami

    11 - Salamander

    12 - Nine-tailed Fox

    13 - Serpent

    14 - Golem

    15 - Griffon

    16 - Undine

    17 - Inferno

    18 - Sylph

    19 - Sylphid

    20 - High Elemental

    21 - Harpu

    22 - Slime

    23 - Forest Keeper

    24 - Mushroom

    25 - Maned Boar

    26 - Monster Flower

    27 - Ghost

    28 - Low Elemental

    29 - Mimick

    30 - Horned Frog

    31 - Sandman

    32 - Howl

    33 - Succubus

    34 - Joker

    35 - Ninja

    36 - Surprise Box

    37 - Bear Man

    38 - Valkyrja

    39 - Pierret

    40 - Werewolf

    41 - Phantom Thief

    42 - Angelmon

    43 - ???

    44 - Dragon

    45 - Phoenix

    46 - Chimera

    47 - Vampire

    48 - Viking

    49 - Amazon

    50 - Martial Cat

    51 - ???

    52 - Vagabond

    53 - Epikion Priest

    54 - Magical Archer

    55 - Rakshasa

    56 - Bounty Hunter

    57 - Oracle

    58 - ???

    59 - Mystic Witch

    60 - Grim Reaper

    61 - Occult Girl

    62 - Death Knight

    63 - Lich

    64 - Skull Soldier

    65 - Living Armor

    66 - Dragon Knight

    67 - ???

    68 - Monkey King

    69 - Samurai

    70 - Archangel

    71 - Ifrit

    72 - Drunken Master

    73 - Kung Fun Girl

    74 - Beast Monk

    Hope it helps!

  2. Im using Game Guardian 6.0.5 and set Search Range to More Region not All region and Search only 4byte address, because if i set Search range to All region it will give me hundred of address. 


    Is Game Guardian 6.0.5 free for Android? Can you give me a donwload link? Thanks man!

  3. btw, i found this definition from a thread:


    "And so, by putting two bytes together, we created a word. No, not one of the fancy little thingies you find in a dictionary, but rather a wider data type capable of holding a value up to 0xFFFF (65'535). If we want to go even further, we have the dword (double word, 4 bytes) which can go up to 0xFFFFFFFF (4'294'967'295)."

    - Keanly


    so word is 2 bytes and dword is 4 bytes.


    references: http://www.gamekiller.net/tutorials-and-source-codes/3144247-tutorial-memory.html

  4. You right too.. but some memory hack apps show reverse direction. 00 00 00 00 75 27 so you can read as 27 75 00 00 00 00 where 27 75 hex wen we converted to Decimal is 10101. 


    Ok, thanks for the help man! Honestly, i haven't done this hack yet, infact I don't have any hacking exp, yet. It's just that I really love Summoners War, and I do programming so I thought it'll be a piece of cake... Hahahah... Guess i was wrong... Hahahah... Anyway, I'll try it again... 'just have another question:


    + In my first try, after I search 10101, i get more than a hundred of results, and as I examine my results, I notice that the results was NOT accurate, for example:


    - I was expecting a value of 00 00 00 00 75 27, but I get values like xx xx 75 27 xx xx or xx 75 27 xx xx xx


    + my question is, how can I get an accurate search result? Is their an option or any tweaks that I can do? btw, I use GameKiller.

    + or may I know what memory editing app are you using?


    Thanks man! ^_^

  5. I'm sorry, I'm newbie in using GameKiller, i have few questions:

    - How to search for 4byte? cuz i only have search options of Auto Identify, DWORD, WORD, Float

    - and How to do this on Game Killer "After result show you must type 1-1 address on memory tab"?

    - and WHY??? in GameKiller I have this wierd sample format ex:


    5E9F5D38   00 00 00 00 75 27   . . . . U '


    ...after I search value 10101


    i was expecting only an 8 digit hexa value every address, but u see, i get 12 digit hexa for every address,

    and as you can see on my example, i searched for 10101, and i get a result of 75 27 instead of 27 75,

    am i using the right software? please assist me, what hex editor should I use?



  6. Hello... I'm so sorry, I don't have Water Fairy anymore... Can you help me please?

    If you have one of these monsters can you tell me it's Monster ID?


    + Fire Inugami (awake)   =   1 ?? 1 2

    + Wind War Bear (awake)   =   1 ?? 1 3

    + Fire Magical Archer (awake)   =   1 ?? 1 2

    + Water Sylph (not yet awake)   =   1 ?? 0 1


    And another question: In what instance should I search for these values?

    inside my Island?

    before entering a dungeon?

    while I'm Inside a dungeon?

    or anywhere within the game?


    Thank for the help man!


    Cheers! ^_^

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