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Posts posted by CaporalStevyboy

  1. Hello,


    The App sometime BUG on my Nexus 7 (2013) running Android 4.3

    The bug is not always there and sometime it work correctly, but most of the time the bug hapenned.

    When i search for something and the bug hapenned, the search never finish. I see the abort option and it search and search and search.. When I look with "System Tuner", what process is freeze on my tablet, I see a kernal process name "com.cnn.g" using +60% of cpu. Sometime the bug freeze my whole system and the back  (software on my device) button is not working, everything is unstable... Let my know if you can do something need more details !
    Thanks :) :)
    P.S. Is this problem also hapenned to others ?

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