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  1. Nope. Just sits there like a *****. Useless and floaty
  2. I did the exact same thing. Had to make a third one. Glad to know i'm not the only one _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later I've had the same issue but i found on most things if you erase the last few numbers {just until the ordered number changes} it usually works. Hope this helps
  3. Build electric generator at your house. pick it up and place it on the back of your chopper and drive to the tower. carry it over to spot and drop it. It'll start up on its own. Be very prepared to fight. A horde of zombies come immediately after it starts running. I just spammed med packs while trying to run out of the area. It worked out well for me _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Okay. why not just use the code for chopper gastank and add all the parts to your inventory like that?
  4. Does anyone have the code for titan or tungsten or infected box? I've searched all over and cannot find it. Thank you
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