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Everything posted by ForbiddenSaga

  1. No, i haven't tried anything... the search is so slow i'm too lazy to search for anything...
  2. You can use the hide features of game guardian to make the game stop crashing. It is however, search pretty slowly even you use the feature....
  3. You don't even read the link. Your copy paste prowess is amazing. "If the user declines access, all subsequent calls will immediately return an error"
  4. Read more. https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#ad020d50d3af0a36733e0cbc231055c55
  5. I have been spoon feeding you enough for the day, if you still can't get it to work. You need to read https://gameguardian.net/help/ Clearly you don't know how to code.
  6. You clearly don't know how to write a php code if your code looks like that. <?php echo "Login"; ?> PHP require ; at every end of line. And you might be able to write a little LUA, but you surely don't understand how GG API and LUA works, @Enyby made a very useful request API, saving us a TON of works. I suggest you read https://gameguardian.net/help/ again.
  7. Here's a quick hint so you can make it work. Learn English Learn PHP Understand LUA & GG API Your lua script should look like this. local login = 'https://localhost/login.php' local user = gg.prompt( {'Username', 'Password'}, {}, {[1]='text',[2]='text'} ) if user[1] == '' or user[2] == '' then gg.alert ("Username or Password is Empty!") else data = gg.makeRequest(login, nil, 'username='..user[1]..'&password='..user[2]).content end if data == '0' then print ("Login failed, please try again.") elseif data == '1' then print ("Login succesfull") end
  8. I'm guessing you're trying to do something like what PMH is doing?? I don't really understand what you're trying to say in the post as it's a bit confusing from your explaination. But the processing should be done on the server side (php) not on the client side (lua), the client side should only process data that they got from the server. To illustrate this in a simple way, this is what should happens Client -> send data to server -> Server receive data -> Server process data -> Server display response content -> client get the content -> client process the content. Again, CLIENT does not process either the login is correct or wrong, or what should be displayed, the server does that, the client is only displaying what the server tell it to display.
  9. it can be decrypted if someone leaks the VIP file.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Decompliled DTamvan v1.6 Script. There's no Premium Feature in here, gotta leak more of those file if you want full decompile. pass = "9865"
  11. View File DTamvan v1.6 Decompiled Decompliled DTamvan v1.6 Script. There's no Premium Feature in here, gotta leak more of those file if you want full decompile. pass = "9865" Submitter ForbiddenSaga Submitted 08/06/18 Category LUA scripts
  12. ForbiddenSaga

    DTamvan V1.6

    pass = "9865"
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