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    Sony Xperia S

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  1. The Impossible Game v1.5.2 Youtube: Google Play Store Link Downloadlink (1,90MB) If you can't get enough: Impossible Game Level Pack v.1.2.1 (2,66MB)
  2. Maybe it counts in wisdom. But not if you have more than one interest It's like in a RPG game: You take some points into defense, some points into attack, some points into magic, and so on... your char gain not the full power if you set all points into one of them. I'm more the allrounder Char
  3. Now i'm feeling very old
  4. On my first use of GG i ask myself some questions: 1. Where the f***ing hell can i add manual adress into the cheatlist? I only see a list of adresses in 4 byte type but was stupid to put it in 1 byte type to the adress. 2. Why i can't sort my cheatlist? Put the code up or down in the cheatlist. 3. Why is the cheatlist (xml files) not saved on my sdcard? Better to find it, easier for sharing with other peoples and for edit the file on pc. 4. Why is the xml file so unclear? Are the values and codes placed random. It cost more time to sort it for better overview and editing. (see my final fantasy cheatfile i have uploaded) After sort the codelist, load it in GG and save it, the code get again unsorted. The 4 points is for me useful (and surely for others too!?)
  5. Hello. (Some days late with my introduce, because i have not much time.) I was bored to play the my android games, so i searched for cheatprogs like Cheat Engine for android phone, for more interesting. So i found this site! Something about me My vintage is '83 I live in germany I know most about: PC (+ security), homepages, some C++ (have own WoW Server, but my interest is gone) surfing anonymous in web (except my ip :'> ) I like: My Phone, my laptop, my root server, (i sound too nerdy?) foot (i'm not fat ), classical/instrumental musik I hate: Hipsters! Slow internet Peoples they hate me.. Liquorice I cheat since i have my first own PC (i think i was 16 or something) It's for me interesting how this values behind the games is working and manipulating for more fun (yes, some games gain more fun with cheats ) I have build my own trainers for most PC games i played (only singleplayer games). Now, i have no idea what to say now. I think i have wrote too much now. Hope i can help here somebody and i get help in some stuff too Good luck and have fun guys (and don't forget the girls class=
  6. Maybe in a cracked version, or in the first version, you can cheat it. I think, i know why isn't cheatable. It's the same reason as on PC version and Nintendo DS: The values are dynamic and not static. Everytime the switch to GG and back to game, the game shows "Loading" screen. In this time, the value can switched to another position. I believe the value switched in the loading screen! On PC it's easier to find out the breakpoint (with CE ) from where the value is controlled. But how can we do it on phone (or NDS)?
  7. Version: 1.0.2 (Google Play Store) Name of Cheat: Money, HP & MP Cheat Steps: Copy the attached file to the folder on your phone card (not sdcard!): /data/data/org.aqua.gg/shared_prefs (overwrite if ask) (Use Anttek, TotalCommander etc.) Start gameguardian Start game. Open gameguardian and click on disk-symbol click on load Note: The file need the same name as it's shown in gameguardian. Cheatfile info: You have instant 9.999.999 Money All 4 players have instant 999 HP and 99 MP File created with GameGuardian 6.0 and with Sony Xperia S (2.3.x) and edited on PC FINAL FANTASY III.xml
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