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Posts posted by Enigma78

  1. I second this. These games albeit a tad bit short level wise are well worth the time. Although there isn't many levels it can take a bit of time to get through them. First time I've come across an escape type game on the android platform that I had to play a few times through. 

  2. Just another new guy who has just stumbled upon this site. I've been rather bored as of late and I've noticed from time to time I will see games that have been modded for android, although I don't play many I find it interesting nonetheless. 


    I'm hoping that with this forum I may be able to learn a few things as to be be quite honest since rooting a device is really of no challenge I find that I have little to nothing to do with it afterwards with the exception of using a for root needed apps. 


    I'm hoping that whether I learn to mod or find a modder who has done the work  that certain games that I once enjoyed are or get modded to make things a bit easier without having to shell out cash. My previous tablet that died a few months back left me with a void to fill as the one game I enjoyed the most had to be started from scratch due to it not being able to be backed up via any back up method I am aware of. Considering the time I spent (and a small small amount of cash) I just don't have the energy to go through it all again. I am hoping that something might be done in time to allow myself to get back to where I was character and level wise. Oh yeah I should probably mention the name, it was Marvels' Avengers Alliance.



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