Some hacks are working. All searches in Double.
Vehicle Capacity: BelAZ, search 200,000,000 (that's 200 tons in grams), usually 1~3 results, easy to find the right one.
Vehicle Speed: BelAZ, search 60, hundreds of result, edit the first hundred, take a look to make sure it work, then reverse all. Warning, this could crash the game.
Weapon Damage: Homemaker Pistol, search 45;75::20, usually only one result, the right one.
All (or most?) weapon Damage are close in memory. You can save these, so if your enemy uses the same and you make a mistake, you can modify it to avoid one hit kill.
Design crafting, start with Sulfuric Acid, search 200;50;5::100, usually only a few results, easy to find the right one, change to 1. Then 0x30 after the last ingredient, there is the quantity of the item you are crafting, say, make it 1000. For 1 Sulfur, 1 Saltpeter, and 1 Clean Water, we're getting 1000 Sulfuric Acid. Cool!
All Design crafting are closer in memory. Then we can proceed to potions, food, weapons, armors, etc.
But remember that some items' quantity can not be found, like Soap or Tanning Mixture, but Plastic Explosive or Tanned Leather can be found.
Also, the ingredients to repair armors, the fuel draining of broken vehicles, lead from broken car battery (great for trading)), or butchering of animal carcass...
But I need some Caps to change my Perks to optimal ones. And I can't find the Caps or do the item swapping.