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paolopao2x last won the day on December 18 2016

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    5.1.x (Lollipop)
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    S6 edge+; Galaxy Tab 2 8.0
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  1. Based on the pic, This is the damage I do per hit. But by my statistics, it's only up to 3.5k. Probably gonna get fixed to sync it with the statistics. Higher chance of being banned haha
  2. Friends, I managed to finally hack out the damage for clan. problem is I went waaaaay over 3500 for max stage. (974765 wooot) Hoping you guys can reproduce it: 1. Follow what int0xication said about stage hacking 2. edit it, then close the game 3. reopen 4. it should be around 50k+ (can make it higher by making the value found via stage hacking lower) 5. prestige 6. tada you now have a higher damage output for clan war haha 7. Make sure the version you are using is below 1.0.5 I think Edit 2: Oh, btw when editing the stage level to get massive amounts of points, it's limit I think should be less than 1 billion (including the bonus) because it always fails to prestige whenever it reaches more than a billion points. also skill points become astonishingly negative at that point (which just means you get 0) Edit 1: Happy Holidays. :3
  3. For number 5, did it show up as useable skill points after prestige, or just visual? For number 6, artifact level works, but only for that round before prestiging. It ruins btw your current levels and point requirements (for the artifacts)
  4. Tested the editing of levels Seemed to only work for that round of prestige tried editing book of shadows level, but it didn't carry over the amount of points based on edited level. Pity.
  5. If you did a prestige, search 1.875F as a standalone value. Make sure the search ranges is from C++ heap to Stack. EXTENDED search please. They should give you 300+ results. No wonder I couldn't find the xor values for the hero level I forgot to search it in encrypted mode. I'll try it out on my next prestige as well as artifact level change. Btw in my experience, with auto click for the skills and stage level hack, I reach 3500 in 2 hours or so.
  6. Clues to get the health/coins hack value properly: The hex starts with C, ends with 74. Legit this helps when you search it as a standalone value (as a float value ofc) Just edit the float value to zero. Tada HP is forever zero. But you get stuck with 0 - 101 coins per battle haha So far what still works: Mana cheat (F) Money/HP cheat (F) Stage skipping cheat (make sure you have no splash damage skill in your skill tree, or else you crash when you freeze the dword value) (D) I'll try that level editing. What do you mean by editing above the level multiplier? As in when you purchase the levels (x10, x100, x999, etc.)?
  7. Could it be the android version of device? (grasping here now. using 6.0.x atm)
  8. So far, on my 5th prestige w/o speed hack, I manually search now the 1.875 rather than the pair, tedious but still works (gives 360 - 670 results ugh) Note: don't get the skill for splash damage, will screw up the search for instant skip stage, causing the game to crash 2 out of 5 times.
  9. Did you do time hack tho (with GG or other app) for the second time you prestiged? Cuz I just noticed in the 1.0.7 version, even if you don't change back the values, just the game closing (fully), the data resets back to 1.875 and whatnot.
  10. Fun trick to reach *** damage Search 1.875 F Group change values with 9.9e29 (safe value w/o risk of game close) then attack the current monster. Make sure you already met with the boss for the stage so it's easier. At the same time, if it doesn't change health or your damage, reset them back to 1.875. Then delete them, so you can focus on the batch values. When you start dealing 0 damage, the color should change from red to yellow. Buy upgrades and heroes. The crit of your pet should appear as *** (infinite) This also helps you clear three quests. Be careful not to activate midas gold at a high level (> 5) as it can cause more than the said gold drop, causing the game reset (resets at anything >= de gold) Oh, also I found a good way to re-search 1.875 (not the pair) if it doesn't pop out anymore: go to android >data >folder for taptitans >delete cache and unity folder. Do not touch save data folder and the savedata files outside it. You can search again for the values now resetted (including current stage and 1.875) Edit: i hope you guys can check it's accuracy, only managed to replicate these twice (when I couldn't search the pair float values) Edit 2: The reason why when you prestige you don't get relics is due to 1. Not reverting back the values (or reclosing the game fully and reopening again) 2. Time Hack. Don't time hack. You will fail to get prestige like, forever for that account. bad mistake for me when I linked it in my FB. Edit 3: The reasons are for together btw.
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