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  1. Same method as this video. Basically you search the coin exp and timber value as 1500;124;24 and once the value comes you make a increment by one to the value you want to change. If you want to change coin. Increment 1500 by 1 and see the change in the marie order. And confirm the value. Check the new value and old value in the gg and edit that one. And thats it.
  2. you can still get the coins, timber and exp by modify the ones in the Maries order. the problem one is with the keys. as we need more keys than the coin itself
  3. Right. A bit late to this. But it worked for all those good years. And now it looks like patched. From the method i tried i have a feeling that the value is stored in two places. One with the d word and the other one with some other type. And when we search the number only one comes through. So editing only one doesnt help.
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